Handwoven Life

Let me tell you what I love about you… It’s that handwoven life of yours. I imagine you walking through the forest wrapped in a patchwork quilt, like the one your great grandmother sewed by hand through stories. The one that hangs over your mother’s couch like...

Question Weaver

“There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” -Zora Neale Hurston It seems I’ve been asking questions most of my life. Partially this is a personality trait. I am curious. I have always wanted to KNOW. Why are we here? What can I do with this life? Who...

Soul Dreams Need Retreat

This will be the third year in a row I will go into the Boundary Waters solo. I’ve done a lot of solo journeys like this, but in 2011 I started to become very intentional about these journeys. I was initiated into a lineage that required that I take a journey to...

Please-Like-Me Dis-ease

I’ve suffered from the “please like me” dis-ease, in varying degrees of severity, for as long as I can remember. I’ve been bending backwards when I want to fold in. I’ve been saying yes when I desperately needed to say no. I’ve been carrying someone else’s weight...

Vulnerability is the Best Defense

Only in our attempts to hold it all together (as if there were something TO hold together) do we run the risk of things falling apart. Only when we fool ourselves into thinking life can be tidy or that life plays by the rules do we, ourselves, end up fooled. There is...