How do you know you’ve made the right decision?

Our lives are so full, so rich, so intricate. Just within us, is a multitude of moving parts, living and breathing creatures with lives of their own. We are entire ecosystems ourselves. Then humans meet humans. We stick to each other. The gumminess of life is birthed and our ecosystem is forever changed. And then we have communities, where another layer of human/spirit web is woven. Yes, our lives are not islands. We contain bits of everything. Thus, decisions that seem to alter this web in some big way feel immense as the sky is infinite. How can we ever really know? How can we know when to peel away, remove oneself, enter anew, or cut a tie completely?

I recently had to make a decision to shift my web. It was a decision that had been stalking me for some time. I could see it out of the corner of my eye at times. There were moments when I could see it’s full shape, I knew what I had to do. And there were moments when I forgot it was there, when I felt like my web was sustainable as is. But lately, I could feel it build. I could feel my insides stirring with new movement and force. It was time.

Life is not black and white. Life is rich and dynamic. What is right in one moment, can be wrong the next. What gave us life and growth and nourishment one day, may be dried and gone the next.

The only way to know if you have made the right decision, is to bring your whole self to each moment. Bring as much consciousness as you can to each breath. Even this does not need to be perfect. We are works in progress.

Whenever you can, gather all of your intuitive forces, all your deep knowings, all the stirrings in your bones. Call all of yourself in to THIS body. Sense down into your roots until you feel that unmistakable rumble in your low gut. This is the seat of the wild self, and she knows. She knows about the timing of things. She knows when you are ready to go or stay. She knows the way, by heart, to each of the stars.

Can you sink down in this moment and remember her (or him)? If you are touching this place in yourself, you can never go wrong. Even if you only catch glimpses out of the corner of your eye now and then, you are ok. Keep calling her forward. She’ll come. And when the time is right, you’ll know.

To your own best and loving journey,