I’ve been feeling a lot of fear lately. Everything seems so up in the air. Uncertainties abound. What used to seem solid and reliable, seems to be melting away. Are you feeling that way?

Things that you once depended on, certainties you thought were concrete, even your dreams; seem to be melting. I think it’s a good thing. We seem to be in a period of collective shedding. However, change can be hard.

I’m in the process of a big transition in my living and work situation. It’s as if all that was stable is now melting, just like all this ice and snow in Minnesota. These solid walls around our sidewalks, the icy fortresses around our homes and yards that have stood for months, it’s all melting away.

Water is fascinating. When frozen, it’s completely solid. We can make houses out of it! We drive trucks on it! But every year, without fail, it melts. It isn’t forever. It’s a stunning reminder that everything is temporary. The things we stand on are not forever. One day, they will melt.

As these life melts happen, we never know what is going to happen next. We just know we are up to our ears in water. The streets are flooding. Homes and businesses are flooding. We’re in that awkward in-between stage. The ground hasn’t thawed yet, so the water can’t move fully into the soil. And so we’re left with standing water everywhere. It’s messy. But we know this big melt is food for flowers. we know this water will make it down into the black earth to replenish, renew, and recharge. It will make our grass greener come spring. We know the roots are riotous down there dreaming their green shoots into being. We just can’t see it yet.

In the meantime, how can you welcome uncertainty? How can you open even more to the warming and allow it to melt what has been frozen? How can you allow the water to soften and cleanse you? How can you bring more love to the messiness of spring?

Share this with your friends and tell us what you are ready to let melt. What are you bringing more warmth to? I’d love to hear from you!

Maybe you feel like you have glaciers to melt and it all feels just too overwhelming and you don’t know where to start. Start by sending me an email to set your intention. We can take it from there.