Sometimes we must tip toe around the edge of a dream for a very long time. Sometimes we do this in darkness, when the world has gone to sleep, when our own true voice can be heard fully. The dark is a safe place to dream impossible dreams. And so we wait for the sun to fall well below the trees. We wait for familiar voices to become familiar see saw sleeping breaths. We wait for the world to fall heavy asleep on us. And then, only then, do we allow our dreams to creep out of their houses. We give them felt shoes so no one will hear their steps. We dress them in black and their hair hangs over their bright faces. We let them out to dance under star light, because it is safe here.

This is a healthy and necessary place for dreams. Every great dream begins as a shadow that creeps. There is perhaps even some shame about these creepy crawling dreams that haven’t seen light. What will ‘they’ think? What will ‘they’ do when they get their hands on them? Oh no, I’m not ready for that.

Dreams are safe in the night. It is a vast place where we learn a secret language. Our dreams are free to roam among all the things the day can never touch. Dreams get to leap and not look. It is too dark for that. They get to be as grand, as profane, as extraordinary as they wish. The day will have no sight of this. No memory. The night is playground. And sacred.

Any dream that is dear to you should be given free range in this territory for as long as it wishes.

And when it is time, no sooner, no later, the dream will become brave. There will be a tiring of creeping around in the night. There will be so much soaking in star and moon light that a dream will crave the feel of sunlight on its skin. A dream will begin to dream its own dream. One of daylight. One of being seen by other dreams. Tenderly. A dream will decide she wants new clothes, ones with bright colors. Or perhaps she wants shoes that make that quick crack on the cement as she walks. A dream will want to make some noise all her own.

A dream does not belong to you. It belongs to the Universe. It is not up to you what she needs. It is up to you to give her what she needs. Ask her what she craves. Cloak her in night. Give her starlight and food and pretty things to wear that sparkle on the New Moon. And when it’s time, open the door just before the sun rises fully over the horizon. Unlatch the handle at the moment the sun hits the earth at that angelic angle that makes the whole sky melt like sherbert. Trust her. She will walk out into the sun in her glory when it’s time.