Alchemy Cocoon
a transformative one on one container
Are you in a liminal space of transition? Unsure of what’s coming next, but know it HAS to be different than what was?
Do you feel held hostage by unhealthy habits, patterns, trauma loops and can’t find your way out?
Feel disconnected, numb, hopeless, perhaps even deadened to what once brought joy and pleasure?
Do you feel cut off from your own power, magic, pulsing orgasmic current of creation?
Are you afraid your shadows will swallow you whole, are too big to be held by anyone?
Hi, I’m Nicole and I’ve been there. I’m here to help walk you home.
The Alchemy Cocoon support you to…
Know cosmic, divine support from all directions, to call upon when needed.
Retrieve those tender, aching parts calling out for love, presence, safety, belonging, protection, and healing.
Awaken inner resources of power, light, beauty, and bliss.
Invoke intimate, holy communion with your own body, life, spirit.
Align with the primordial creative pulse: sex, heart, spirit.
Claim sexual ecstacy, cosmic bliss, rooted and real pleasure, in the flesh.
Embody ecstacy that ripples out into your life, community, world.
Emerge from your cocoon as the priestess: harness the potency of the elements within, shaping your life, becoming the living altar.
“Working with Nicole is not work but magical ethereal play! Nicole is miraculous at holding polar opposites, weaving and integrating them in a playful and deeply sacred way. Deep pain and grief bump up against peace and bliss, darkness meets light, fear holds hands with love and protection. It’s fierce work. It’s gentle work. She invites bold curiosity. She has encouraged me to live authentically and given me tools and guides that I use daily. The thing I adore about this deep work is the pace and safety. I always feel free to explore deeply knowing that Nicole will gentle and firmly make sure my way is safe. Deep and very subtle shifts have taken place in this type of environment that change the course of my life towards more peace, more acceptance, and a more authentic life.” JM
The Alchemy Method

Customized somatic journeys to support you to…
- liberate from unhealthy karmic loops keeping you stuck
- access your body’s infinite wells of wisdom, medicine, bliss
- unearth the infinite wells of pleasure underneath the pain
- identify energy leaks, sealing up, and restoring your innate orgasmic capacity
- retrieve lost parts of the psyche/self, integrating back into wholeness
- connect to spiritual support via ancestors, guides, etc

Intuitive guidance to support you to…
- reconnect to fragmented parts of the body/mind/soul
- translate information from the unseen realms
- co-create a journey in alignment with you

Coaching to support you to…
- integrate the seen and unseen realms
- create sustainable habits and patterns that support your thriving
- identify limiting beliefs around sex and spirit, recalibrate to truth
- translate the magic of our one on one sessions into simple, actionable steps in your daily life

Kundalini, tantra, sacred sexuality, meditation, breathwork to support you to…
- integrate our one on one journeys
- unravel unhealthy patterns, habits, loops in your body
- support you in awakening your own deep wisdom, magic, medicine
- igniting deep pleasure, ecstacy, bliss
- weaving a new reality into your cells and bones

Customized ritual to support you to…
- remembering ancestral wisdom and healing
- invoking the support of the unseen realms
- daily habits that support your unfolding

Other tools utilzed along our journey…
- astrological consulation
- herbs and flower essences
- nutritional support
- energy work/healing
- writing exercises
“Working with Nicole is an absolute delight of all the senses. She invokes, invites, and awakens the physical, energetic, and subtle body to unknown possibilities. Her work is magic! Her work is subtle and profound, timeless and wholly present, new and yet so ancient. Although I’ve been on a spiritual path for many years (and possibly many lifetimes) I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. She’s opened an entirely new world to me and at the same time something so familiar. In between sessions magical and mundane things would transpire, hinting at and reminding me that all things are connected and perfect as they are. One of my goals in working with Nicole was to expand my toolkit of practices and she provided that and more in abundance. She is mystical, magical, and magnificent. I am grateful beyond measure for crossing paths with her.” ~Joy

What’s Included?
- Six 90 minute private 1:1 sessions with Nicole (on Zoom).
- Three to nine month energetic cocoon. In our exploratory call, we’ll decide which length of container is right for you.
- Customized personal practices based on your needs/pleasure to integrate our one on one work and go deeper.
- Alchemical support cocoon via the ethers (and email). You have full access to Nicole via email to celebrate, reflect, ask questions, get support for the full duration of your cocoon.

“I have known Nicole for some time, as a dear friend, as a yoga teacher, and as a womxn’s circle sister. I’ve know her for some time before having a one on one session, and when I finally did I thought how did I not know? How did I not know this is what my friend did? And why did it take me so long to find out.
Nicole’s work one on one is exactly what I had been looking for for myself for years. It’s somatic based healing. In our first session I laughed, I cried (and I’m talking a pile of kleenexes). I felt her taking all the tools from everything she’s learned and using them in this deeply intimate way for me to be able to tap into my body and senses and stories from a lifetime, so that I could start to see and feel and experience and heal unloved parts of me. Parts of me I thought I’ve already worked on many, many time – but this time I was reaching them on a bodily level and in an energetic way unfolding layers of unmet needs that finally could be seen and understood and held by myself for what they are. Finally I could start truly loving myself, the shadows and the light.
How did I not know my dear friend could do this? I just kept thinking that to myself. Don’t wait like I did to find out. Don’t wait to unfold the mysteries of yourself to truly see and know who you are and to embrace yourself fully. “
-Emily N
What the journey looks like…
The following format is just an example. We always begin with an intention and co-create the journey based on your unique needs and desires. We meet anywhere from once per week to once per month, depending on what flows in your life.
Session 1: The Divine Arrow of Desire
- Identifying the compass of the soul, the deep desires of the sex, heart, spirit
- Invoking spiritual support for the journey, creating an altar
- “When the soul wants to experience something, she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it.” –Meister Eckhart
Session 2: The South, element of Earth
- Invoking the South: kundalini, primal creation, sexual vitality, ancestors, inner child
- Invoking Earth: ancestral healing, reclaiming the root, safety + protection
Session 3: The West, element of Water
- Invoking the West: healing the female lineage, entering the cave of mystery, reclaiming your deep soul dreams
- Invoking Water: yin pleasure + magic, emotional alchemy, sensual intuition
Session 4: The North, element of Fire
- Invoking the North: reclaiming sexual innocence, carrying the light of the ancestors forward, listening to the deep wisdom
- Invoking Fire: burning karmic weight, alchemical sexual cauldron, igniting the fire of passion
Session 5: The East, element of Air
- Invoking the East: healing the male lineage, union of sex and love / sex and spirit, heart-centered service to community + world
- Invoking Air: healing relationships, union of opposites, polarity alchemy
Session 6: The Sacred Heart
- Bringing it all together, integration, beginning a new journey
- Gratitude, love medicine, honoring the sacred sex, love, spirit
Pay in Full
one time payment- additional fees if using PayPal
Payment Plan
3 months- additional fees if using PayPal
“I am reflecting deeply on our work, and the whirlwind of emotions that still remain in me: fear, joy, love, hope, pain, healing. But I feel light like I never have before. A deep release. Like a rope unwinding, unwinding after a lifetime of being taut and wound….I hope to work with you soon again. You are a beautiful spirit, a tremendous spiritual teacher. I am so grateful our paths have crossed.”
“I started 1:1 sessions with Nicole in January. If someone would have told me then that my life would look like it does right now I would have rolled my eyes and completely shut it down. Because just no way could this work so fast!? It does, it did! I have never experienced anything so powerful in my life. Nicole has shown me my own power, my own healer, my strength. This work is so empowering and held in such great care and non-judgement – the perfect place for true magic to unfold. I wish everyone could gift themselves this work with Nicole. Everyone deserves to love themselves and know their own healer. I may be just a stranger, but if you are looking for someone to say its okay to make this investment in yourself, I say YES IT IS! ABSOLUTELY!”
“Last Saturday was definitively one of the most powerful moments in my spiritual life. I am still digesting the truths I felt we uncovered, and I am deeply grateful that you were a conduit for all that magic…I am different. I feel the universe, I feel translucent and possible, often…”