
Subtle Energy of 2016

I have noticed a significant energetic shift since the beginning of 2016. This year adds up to the number 9, and according to tantric numerology (the number science associated with Kundalini Yoga), this 9 energy is about “mastery over the mystery”. That is, a...

Winter Solstice Poem

The Winter Solstice is a time to welcome the returning light. It's my understanding and experience that to truly do this, we must honor the dark. It is easy, fashionable, and likable to honor the light these days. It seems like more fun. It seems like by doing so, we...

Why It’s Important to Love the Dark

There are radiant gems in the dark of the night. It is in those places farthest from the city, where the night falls dead against your eyes, that the stars are the brightest. It is the emptiest, hollowest night that wraps Her thickest blanket of milky way around you....

Kundalini Yoga Anti-Stress Meditation

My very first meditation video for you! Practice with me from the comfort of your home. Cozy up and I'll guide you through this simple, sweet, short practice. Sat Nam. Holiday season is upon us. This means ample opportunity to be pulled out of yourself, out of your...

A Life In Sync

The most sacred way to live your life, is to live connected to nature. How to know if you are on the right course? Watch sweetgrass ripple under wind. How to heal a fractured self? Listen for the call of crows and their rushing wing beats. And how to remember what...

Lost Things

There are certain lost things that are lost forever. And there are other lost things that were never lost. We have just given up the looking. We’ve grown tired, burdened and wearisome of the search. There are certain lost things that you will not miss, that you are...

The Danger of the Unlived Life

I am afraid. Afraid of not living. Afraid of not dying well, of reaching the end and wishing for more time, more love, more breath, more words. I’m serious. It’s fear that drives me. I do not want to take one more breath with these words inside me. I cannot face...

The Secret Life of Dreams

Sometimes we must tip toe around the edge of a dream for a very long time. Sometimes we do this in darkness, when the world has gone to sleep, when our own true voice can be heard fully. The dark is a safe place to dream impossible dreams. And so we wait for the sun...

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