Oceanic Bliss
A virtual cocoon for femmes to embody orgasmic love
- Learn practical tools to create a baseline state of ease and bliss in your body, mind, and soul
- Connect with other femmes on the same path, with the same deep heart desires as you
- Alchemize pain, numbness, disconnection into pleasure, communion, and bliss
- Re-weave trauma + heavy conditioning into liberation and love
- Experience a deeper, more intimate connection to your body, sexuality, spirituality
- Attune to the ultimate internal guidance system: the oracle of your yoni and/or womb
- Learn the tantrika’s secret toolkit for nourishing your body and life with sexual energy, creating magnetism, ease, and joy
- Surrender to and celebrate the natural rhythms of your body, your sexuality, and your soul
- Connect to your spirit + soul guides on your journey
- Birth new worlds from your power of orgasmic love
Discover why yin energy is the juiciest secret power
Years ago, on a beach in Mexico, I experienced what can only be called The Great Cosmic Orgasm. I was deep into a year long intensive tantric training. I’d been weaving my own kundalini and ritual practices with tantric alchemy. Mid way through a retreat, while doing my jade egg practice on the beach, something cracked open. I opened to a force beyond my understanding. It felt like love had claimed me as its own. My whole body waved and wailed with pleasure I’ve never known. I became the entire ocean of bliss, feeling every particle as my own body. It was a deeply embodied ecstatic love. This is oceanic ecstasy.
Years later, I realized it was a deep awakening to yin energy. The kind of pleasure that is endlessly giving, constantly nourishing, and self-sustaining. The Great Cosmic Orgasm never begins and never ends. Aligning with this cosmic wave fills our deepest wells to the brim. We swell with contentment, love, bliss.
When we live from this state of fullness, we are more ourselves. Whatever we lack can be found deep in these wells, or created from it. When we nourish ourselves first, we open to alignment with the greater flow. We need to “do” less and can “be” more because we are held by this great force of creation. The result is more energy, flow, magnetism, and deeper knowing. This creates an overall baseline state of bliss and ease.
Our world is mostly yang-obsessed: bigger, brighter, faster, more, more, more (hello, capitalism). To move with the flow of yin is slow, revolutionary, luscious, sweet, and divine. It can change the world, one oceanic orgasm at a time, starting with you.
This course weaves many threads of my experience working with re-weaving trauma and heavy conditioning, into liberation and bliss. The 28 day cocoon allows us to move at a sustainable and healthy pace for the nervous system to truly make lasting shifts. I’ve never offered a powerful group container of this length! There’s a reason: I don’t want to deliver an ecstatic experience (which I certainly can do), and drop you off at the door. This cocoon supports lifelong changes in the way you connect with your body, your energy, your world. You are supported every step of the way through daily practice, guidance, and support. This extra luxurious moon-cycle container allows us to drop in deeper than we ever have before.
It is my prayer that we all awaken to the truth of oceanic bliss as our birthright. This is not a luxury, but a necessary experience of ourselves, in our most essential state. From this deepest embodiment of orgasmic love, I believe we can birth new worlds for ourselves, and those to come.
I’d love to have you with me on the journey.

This course is for you if…
- You’re feeling stuck sexually, emotionally, creatively, spiritually
- You’re not sure you can experience pleasure, much less bliss
- You desire a deeper experience of LIFE, sex, love, and/or your body
- You desire a deeper, more embodied state of love
- You desire a more spiritual connection to your sexuality
- You want to learn the tantrika’s secrets of emotional alchemy, turning lead into gold
- You know there is a deep well of wisdom within you, but it confused on how to connect to it
- You’re feeling burnt out, run down, exhausted, uninspired
- You’re on an emotional rollercoaster and you’re not sure how to get off
- You want to know it’s possible to feel bliss (even and especially) in a chaotic world

What’s Included…
- Four Modules packed with juicy content. Each module contains one lecture on the specific topic, and four experiential practices. All practices include a video guide. Many practices include an additional, downloadable audio guide so you can reduce screen-time and increase pleasure (ie. download the audio and go practice in nature). Read on below for module topics.
- BONUS: Four Prerecorded Live Deep Dives with Nicole.
- A lush and sacred cocoon for you to experience your full capacity for orgasmic love. This spacious container allows for ample time to move through the course in your own time. You’ll be held in an energetic cocoon of love, allowing for gentle and profound transformation. This lengthy container allows for deeper nervous system integration. There is no rush. You have all the time in the world.
- Online portal: easy to use, accessible with all the course material (videos, audios, live recordings, etc). This is also a space to submit questions and comments, and get feedback from Nicole. Connect to the portal on a desktop, tablet, or via the app on your phone.
Make Bliss Your Baseline
The Flow
Module 1: Foundations for Bliss
- Creating your Oceanic Bliss Altar + Meeting Your Soul/Spirit Guides
- Oceanic Bliss Fundamentals Lecture: yin energy, orgasms, and more.
- Creating an Environment of Safety + Support
- Goddess Workout – Sexual Qi Gong to open and balance the energy channels
- Mystic Dance
- Self Pleasure Ritual
Module 2: Emotional Alchemy
- Emotional + Sexual Rivers Lecture: learn how to alchemize your pain into bliss
- Sex Breath for tapping your innate healing force
- Breast Massage for embodied, ecstatic self love
- Trauma Release + Integration: powerful process to clear trauma loops from the nervous system
- Self Pleasure Ritual
Module 3: Womb + Yoni Magic
- Yoni + Womb Magic Lecture: blood magic, cycle magic, and more.
- Yoni Breathing: opening to the Great Cosmic Orgasm
- Wands of Light Womb Healing: Clearing Lifetimes and restoring wholeness
- Jade Egg De-Armoring: deep release + pleasure reclamation
- Self Pleasure Ritual
Module 4: Orgasmic Love Oracle
- Merging Sex, Love and Spirit Lecture: the path of the tantrika
- Yoni / Heart Connection: orgasmic love is born
- Multi-orgasmic Rivers: nourishing the body, mind, heart, and spirit with orgasmic love
- Jade Egg Rebirth: infuse your life with oceanic bliss
- Self Pleasure Ritual
Additional topics…
Blood + moon cycle magic, voice/yoni connection, microcosmic orbit, multiorgasmic breathwork, yoni/womb as oracle, creating an altar, new research on orgasms, infusing the subtle body with orgasmic energy, magnetism, creativity, and more.
The Tools

Sexual Qi Gong
Through movement and meditation, re-pattern harmful habitual energetic loops. Open energy channels for sexual vitality, pleasure, bliss, and love. Liberate stuck emotional energy. Clear karmic patterns that have kept you limited for lifetimes. Connect to powerful sources of heavenly and earthly energy for your healing. Learn ancient tools for activating and balancing the sexual flow.

Jade Egg
The Jade Egg is a tool that comes to us from the Taoist tradition. It is a stone egg that through conscious practice, enters the yoni. Regular practice can increase blood flow, awareness, strength and relaxation to bring overall health to the sexual organs. It is a tangible way to work deeply with the sexual energy. It is also a powerful tool for integrating healthy sexuality into spirituality.

Tantric Alchemy
Transform lead into gold, shadows into treasures. Through breath, sound, movement, dance, massage, meditation, visualization, and self pleasure, learn to alchemize your own energy. We”ll utilize the gifts of classical and neo tantra. This means a weaving of ancient and modern practices that combine magic and nervous system science to create deep and lasting changes. Oceanic love that is REAL and palpable here and now.

Ritual Magic
Ritual bypasses the conscious mind and moves us straight into the mythic realm. Here, everything is possible. We speak with the Gods and Goddesses. We are one of them. Through individual and collective ritual, release old and limiting stories, write new ones. Connect to your guides, ancestors, spirits that support you in the process of remembering you are love. We are not alone. The spirit world is at the ready to support us on our journey.
All practices are presented and experienced in a slow and luscious format to decrease overwhelm and amplify integration. This allows for deep and lasting changes to the nervous system, shifting your baseline experience of life, pleasure, and love.
Celestial Support
This experience is meant to align with the season of autumn. This time of year, our energies are turning inward. We’re moving down and in. The yin energy (feminine, intuitive, receptive, watery) is dominant.
Oceanic Bliss is a space to explore and drop into the watery experience and expression of sexuality. We’re conditioned to desire, experience, and express a more fiery sexuality. Male bodies are more inclined to this expression. However, the female body is wired for watery pleasure! This is pleasure that builds slowly. Pleasure that takes its sweet time. Pleasure that does not pop and fizzle like a firecracker, but swells and fills us like the tides of the ocean.
Yin pleasure is more accessible during the fall. This course is powerful any time of year, but especially sweet as the leaves turn and fall, as the energy of the plants goes into the roots, and we learn to let our bodies rest. Rest into oceanic bliss…
Do I need any special tools to participate?
You’ll need:
- a computer, tablet, or smartphone to access the course portal
- an internet connection
- comfy clothes you can move in
- a yoni egg (details given upon registration)
- a body-friendly oil like jojoba, coconut, olive, sesame, etc.
- ritual material to be announced
Where can I purchase a yoni egg and what kind should I get?
Nicole recommends the company Love Stone to purchase your egg, either jade or obsisian.
A medium sized egg will work well for most. If you have prolapse or have birthed children, you may choose a large size egg. If you experience pain upon penetration, you may want a small size egg.
You’ll also want an egg with a horizontally drilled hole in order to string your egg for resistance exercises.
How do I access the course material?
Upon enrollment, you’ll be prompted to create an account for your access into the course. Here, you’ll access all course materials, ask questions, get support. The online portal is also easily accessible through the online app: Kajabi. This allows you more freedom to participate on the go (while traveling or on your lunch break, etc).
After July 2024, you’ll be given a DropBox link for lifetime access to all course materials.
Can I participate if I'm genderqueer?
Absolutely! This course is specifically designed for those who identify as femme and/or female. We will be working directly with the womb, the yoni, etc. If you do not have a physical womb or yoni, you can still work with the energy of these organs.