Orgasmic Kundalini
a cocoon for femmes who want to weave miracles with sex + spirit
Ready for mind-blowing sex? Mind-blowing orgasmic experiences that expand you into the universe and back again? Pulsing cosmic heartbeat of the infinite, experienced in your body?
Ready for that orgasmic ecstasy to spill out into all areas of your life? Ready to be a magnet for your desires? A priestess weaving heaven and earth?
Come with me…
That swirling, mysterious (some say dangerous) kundalini force is calling from deep within the earth, from deep in the cosmos. It wants to dance. It wants to play. It wants to make love. It wants to make miracles. With you.
It’s dangerous only because its roots reach into infinite wells of great power. And we’ve been taught to fear real power. But you long for reunion with the power that’s ancient like your soul. Power that breaks through, shakes off, sheds skins. Power that is supreme evolutionary force surging through your veins as ecstatic pleasure. The wild revolution is in your roots. It’s in your stars. It’s you. And it’s ready.
When the kundalini awakens from above and below and swirls at the heart, we come alive. We become the miracle, the center point of all creation. That nexus of life. The delta from which the universe was birthed. When the earth and sky make love, it’s in the heart of a mundane, chaotic, beautiful human. The whole sacred mess is anointed. Perfection is not necessary, only alignment.
When the kundalini awakens in the heart, we recognize there is no separation from the universe and me. I am the world, the world is me. In this simple state of remembering, we are powerful and humble enough to make worlds. We are a magnet for our soul’s desires, the desires of the universe, which moves through us. We draw in abundance like oxygen. We pour love like tears.
Orgasm is the natural state of the universe in human form. There’s nothing to do. There are only skins to ecstatically shed. Currents of bliss to lay down in. And the infinite dance to surrender to…
Lifetime access
The two types of kundalini energy are 1) rising from below as sexual energy and 2) descending from above as cosmic connection.
We often only hear about the kundalini as sexual energy which rises through the chakras, liberating our consciousness as it pierces the crown. However, this is only half the journey.
Tantric texts reference a second pathway for kundalini to flow. This second pathway is known as the golden kundalini. Both energies meet in the heart to bring an awakening.
The heart is the midpoint between heaven and earth. In the human body, it is the temple where Shiva and Shakti make love. Their lovemaking births miracles.
When we consciously awaken these currents through our bodies, the only result is orgasmic presence. If we fully immerse in the experience, it is ecstatic.
The result is deep union with the most essential forces of the universe. We put ourselves into alignment with the forces that grant wishes, manifest deepest desires, magnetize beauty.
From this place, we create what we desire not from a place of lack or grasping, but from a state of wholeness.

In Orgasmic Kundalini you’ll learn how to…
Channel the two types of kundalini (sexual and spiritual) through your body and life through taoist tantric arts, kundalini, yoni egg, and other sexual spiritual arts.
- Alchemize these currents with devotional intention at the heart to manifest desires in the tangible world.
Self-initate into the root of your primal sexual power through potent and safe embodiment practices.
Align with the flow of miracles by activating and harmonizing the subtle energetic bodies.
Invoke the pleasure body for ecstatic experiences and magnetic abundance.
Deeply imprint self-worth and self-love to sustain and return to states of joy, bliss, love, and abundance.
Play with the magic of weaving the seen and unseen realms, birthing miracles, in a deeply nourishing way that soothes the nervous system.

Orgasmic Kundalini is for you if…
You know ecstatic experiences are possible and necessary. You believe we are here for bliss beauty, and want more of it.
You know a deep power exists in these ecstatic spaces and want to learn how to cultivate and channel these energies into creation and intentions.
You want to make magic with sex. You want to weave heaven and earth and birth worlds.
You want to understand, experience, and cultivate magnetism. Attract those people, experiences, things into your field needed for your evolution, growth, and joy.
You want to learn to awaken the two kundalini energies in a safe, embodied, and joyful way that aligns you with a healthy sex and spirit.
You want to be tapped in and turned on by your own power. You’re tired of being afraid of your power, afraid of your light. You are ready to self-initate into your root of sexual, spiritual power and agency.
You’re afraid you’re too much and/or not enough. You’re not sure you’re capable of any of this. You’re afraid you’re too broken, too wild, too crazy, too much. You’re ready to channel all that LIFE into clear and focused intentions and manifestations.
You want a deep experience of sacred sex. Cosmic blessings pouring down from above, anointing your deepest sexual and love woundings. You’re ready for the healing balm that can dissolve lifetimes, generations of repression and oppression.
You want that fiery sexuality. You want to feel passionate, alive, vibrant, bold, powerful. You want to feel explosive ecstatic pleasure pulse through your body.
You feel unworthy of epic pleasure, orgasms, joy, abundance, etc. You want to feel deserving of all your desires. You want tangible tools to make those desires real.
You want to dive deeper into the experience of sacred sexuality and yoni eggs. You want powerful but simple practices that can change your life.

What’s Inside…
- Intro Module full of orientation materials to make your journey sweet and deep. Creating your manifestation altar, trauma-conscious support tools, intention setting, journaling prompts, and more.
- One transmission per module (4 total): Pre-recorded video transmissions about our four main topics. See below for detailed list of topics. Transmissions are approximately 30 mins each.
- Two deep dive embodiment practices per module (8 total): Powerful, juicy embodiment practices to weave sex + spirit and create miracles. See below for detailed list of specific practices. Practices are 30-75 mins each and can be repeated throughout the week for a deeper experience if desired.
- BONUS: Four prerecorded transmissions + embodiments rituals.
This immersive experience is meant to be held by the container of the seasonal wheel and by the moon cycle. This alignment with the natural rhythms deepens our journey. We are held by the greater forces of the universe.
These practices are powerful anytime, but especially meant for a particular season:
You may want to begin your journey around the Spring Equinox, the entrance into Aries season. This cosmic new year aligns with spring vitality bursting through the warming earth. So in our bodies, new life and vitality is surging forth.
The New Moon in Aries initiates a new, bold, passionate path. The time is ripe for awakening the primal power (Aries) and forging ahead in new directions, birthing new creations. The kundalini of the earth is rising upward, through our bodies at this time of year, ready to be honored, channeled, and celebrated.
Traveling through the entirety of Aries season, channeling this fiery initiatory current into our conscious creations. The full moon in Libra offers illumination, harmony, and a union of opposites (the merging of the two kundalini energies). The full moon also puts us in right relationship with our power, creativity, and light.
Held within the sprintime solar and lunar currents, we ride the already-present waves of kundalini rising naturally through the earth. We open our physical, energetic, and creative vessels to hold cosmic kundalini. We weave miracles of heaven on earth, with joy.

Weekly Modules…
Module One: Orientation
- Trauma-Conscious tools for a safe + sweet journey
- Setting Your Intentions
- Orgasmic Kundalini Manifestation Altar
- Self Pleasure Ritual
Module Two: Ecstatic Love
- Kundalini as Queen: creating the right conditions for the energies to arrive
- Integrating the shadow: worthiness, deservedness, upper limits, fear of being seen/wrong kind of attention, fear of being too much/not enough
- How upper limits in love, pleasure, orgasm, bliss, joy, abundance are related and what to do about it
- Breathwork for ecstatic and embodied love
- Breast/nipple massage to open full body orgasmic channels
Module Three: Aligning with Miracles
- Golden Kundalini: receiving the cosmic energy into the heart and sex
- Blessing and activating the sexual root with golden kundalini to anoint sexual power as sacred
- Dissolving ancient patterns of sexual repression and oppression
- Harmonizing and amplifying the subtle energy bodies:
- arcline (vision, intuition, power of prayer)
- aura (magnetism, containment, capacity to hold onto abundance)
- pranic body (increasing capacity for energy, money, life force, time)
- subtle body (opening to opportunities, being in the right place at the right time)
- radiant body (magnetism, regal power, right use of power)
- Sensual kundalini yoga and meditation for the subtle bodies and golden kundalini
- Taoist tantric arts + qi gong for drawing down golden kundalini + aligning with miracles
Module Four: Primal Power Self Initiation
- Activating primal power, magnetic sexual current, deep root
- Shadows and primal power: integrating anger, control, fear of power, fear of abuse of power
- Why it’s important to be embodying primal power and how to do it safely and lovingly
- Emotion, earth, and power
- Yoni de-armoring practice to release stored pain and liberate the primal power
- Yoni egg for primal power self initiation
Module Five: Magnetic Pleasure Body
- Orgasmic attraction: how to pleasure your way into fulfilled desires
- Opening your energetic channels to greater orgasmic capacity
- The power of the five senses and invoking new realities
- The power of gratitude and celebration
- Priestess yoni egg activation: weaving heaven and earth to birth miracles
- Self pleasure ritual for orgasmic manifestation
The Tools

Taoist Tantric Arts
Through practices like sexual qi gong, open the energetic pathways of sexual + spiritual kundalini. Draw in the currents of heaven and earth, circulating through the body, awakening, balancing, harmonizing. Dissolve patterns of fear, lack, guilt, shame, and more. Amplify the heart through breast and nipple massage, melting pain and empowering love. Increase magnetism through self pleasure rituals, microcosmic orbit, and more.

Yoni Egg
The Yoni Egg is a tool that comes to us from the Taoist tradition. It is a stone egg that through conscious + regular practice can increase blood flow, awareness, strength and relaxation to bring overall health to the sexual organs. It is a tangible way to work deeply with the sexual energy. It is also a powerful tool for integrating healthy sexuality into spirituality and initiating us into deep power. De-armoring with the yoni egg is an especially powerful tool for awakening sexual kundalini.

Kundalini Tantra Yoga
Through asana, pranayama, meditation, mudra and mantra, open the flow of the golden kundalini. Surrender to the cosmic current, opening the heart and anointing the root. Sanctify sex. Align with the force of miracles by activating the subtle bodies with the cosmic kundalini force.

Ritual Magic
Ritual bypasses the conscious mind and moves us straight into the mythic realm. Here, everything is possible. We speak with the Gods and Goddesses. We are one of them. Create a manifestation altar that weaves kundalini into your intentions, birthing new worlds. Through individual and collective ritual, release old and limiting stories, write new ones. Connect to your guides, ancestors, spirits that support you in the process of remembering who you are.
Do I need any special tools to participate?
You’ll need:
- a computer, tablet, or smartphone to access the course portal
- an internet connection
- comfy clothes you can move in
- a yoni egg: recommendations given upon registration
- a body-friendly oil like jojoba, coconut, olive, sesame, etc.
- ritual material to be announced
How do I access the course material?
Upon enrollment, you’ll be prompted to create an account for your access into the course. Here, you’ll also be able to access all content, ask questions, and get support. The online portal is also easily accessible through the online app: Kajabi. This allows you more freedom to participate on the go (while traveling or on your lunch break, etc).
After July 2024, your access to this course will be available forever via DropBox link.