Sex + Money
A creative cocoon for women who want more
Extraction vs. Creation
The extraction model of sex + money has gripped conscious reality for hundreds of years, but it’s not truth.
Extraction says: I have to sell my soul to make money. I have to fit into society’s version of sexy to be loved.
Extraction consciousness is spawned from scarcity. (There is only so much money, love, creativity to go around).
Creation consciousness is anchored in abundance. There is a limitless fountain of magic between my thighs and breasts. I am a divine child of the universe, of course there is enough for me, for us all!
Extraction consciousness is the constant worry that we’re not enough, there’s not enough, the earthly reality that many of our ancestors experienced.
Creation consciousness around sex and money plants us in our power fully. No dancing around these primal sources of earthly power. Full reclaimation of the magic of life.
Sex + Money is for women who want more of both. More fulfilling sex, more fulfilling relationship with money. Sex and money woven into the fabric of life, not necessary evils, but playful aspects of consciousness to be celebrated.
Ready to remember that you are a priestess of power?
Sex + Money is not a one-size-fits-all container. It’s imporant to recognize the structures of inequality built into our world. This journey is a step by step process, with customized practices to support your unique circumstance, gifts, and intentions.

What you’ll experience:
- Somatically unravel old and new emotional patterns around sex and money (ancestral wounding, inherited family stories, cultural karmas, etc).
- Initiate an embodied, new story around sex and money (composting the old story to nourish the new).
- Train the nervous system and energy bodies to slowly expand to hold more pleasure and abundance.
- Learn ancient tantric tools for awakening the raw, sexual currents, channeling them into the subtle bodies for manifestation:
- Arcline: strenthen your power of actualized prayer
- Aura: learn to magnetize and sustain abundance
- Pranic body: tap unlimited sources of prosperity
- Subtle body: attune to the miraculous currents of the universe
- Radiant body: magnify the light of your soul, overcome obstacles
Initiate less hustle, more flow. Experience a pleasure-based approach to wealth.
Celebrate sex and money as integrated, joyful gifts of human existence.

Sex + Money is for you if…
You do NOT feel money as a pleasureful and empowered flow, but you want to
You want to unravel cultural/ancestral karmas around sex + money (guilt, shame, powerlessness, victim, anger, lack, etc)
You want to learn a more subtle/receptive/pleasure-based approach to abundance
You want to learn the tantrika’s tools to weave sex + money, generating the pleasure and abundance that is your birthright
You want to generate and magnetize abundance in a creative, not extractive way
Why I’m passionate about this…
I’ve never been particularly driven to make a ton of money. But I am driven to serve humanity. With money, that’s easier. When I’m resourced well, I am more effective in my work, and more joyful!
I’ve been self-employed since 2010. For many years, I felt like I was spinning my wheels with my business. I was passionate about what I was doing, but it just didn’t feel sustainable. I had (still have!) a lot of energy, so could really hustle. However, I knew there was a more generative, creative way to create abundance for myself.
Fast forward to 2017 when I started weaving sexuality with my spirituality practices. Things took off! My business exploded. I made over 6 figures in 2019. I was able to take a mini-retirement to feed my soul, travel the world, and study with teachers I’d been dreaming of learning from.
I share this story not to say this is what you should want, or even what will happen for you! It’s not my intention to make everyone rich. However, I do believe it’s time we put wealth in the hands of people who are doing beautiful things in the world. I want to see more women, in particular, who are in service to the collective, with their needs met.
Over the years, many women have come to be for 1:1 coaching to support them in creating abundance for themselves. I’ve seen many of the same patterns that I experienced myself. For years I’ve resisted putting something like Sex + Money out there for many reasons. However, at this time, it seems ridiculous not to. I want to see women empowered, joyful, abundant, and connected. I believe a healthy and empowered relationship to money is a big part of that.
I see a lot of money and business coaches out there doing amazing work. And I see something essential missing: the magic of the subtle. That’s what is different about Sex + Money. We’re working with a pleasure-based, nervous system informed approach to money. And we’re also empowering the subtle realms. I see a massive shift incoming that will only increase in years to come. It’s not going to be about the girl boss hustle anymore. That’s the old paradigm. It’s about the empowered, wise, heart-led priestess. The one who has mastered her subtle bodies can weave magic in the earth realms. I want to show you how to do that…or atleast get you started 😉

What’s Inside…
- Three in depth workshops. Zoom recordings of the deep dives into processes usually reserved for my 1:1 work.
- Shadow Treasure Kit. A map outlining Sex + Money in each major energy center. Get clear on where your main blocks are to sex + money, where your gifts lay, and practices to support integration of the shadow and expansion of the gifts. Contains 4 audio guides.
- Wealth Alchemy Kit. A customizable, step by step practice guide for awakening sexual energy and channeling it into intentional manifestation. Specific practices given based on your unique needs/goals. Contains 6 practice audio guides.
- Online portal. Easy to use, accessible with all the course material (videos, audios, live recordings, etc). There is a Q&A section to get support through your process. Connect to the portal on a desktop, tablet, or via the app on your phone. Practice in your own timing. Lifetime access via a downloadable DropBox link.
- Lifetime access. Keep all recordings and practice guides forever. No rush. Revisit anytime.

Sex & Money Outline
Lesson One: Shadow Treasures
- Integrating the shadow + expanding your resources
- Why vibrational manifestation doesn’t always work spiritual bypassing and the deep magic of shadow stalking
- Step by step tantric process of shadow integration that I use only with my private clients
- Amplifying the internal resources to activate external resources
- Shadow Treasure Kit: a gentle + powerful practice to slowly expand the nervous system’s capacity to hold more abundance PLUS tools to amplify the treasure within the shadow and embody abundance, creating it from the inside, out
Lesson Two: Wealth Alchemy
- Our first dive into weaving sex, heart, and spirit to create abundance
- Sex Kundalini Activation channeled into the arcline and aura, the pilars of vibrational abundance and wealth
- Wealth Alchemy Kit 1: channeling the sexual kundalini into the heart, arcline and aura to make you a beacon for prosperity
Lesson Three: Sex Money Magic
- The secret sauce: awakened kundalini/sexual energy woven through the pranic, subtle, and radiant bodies
- Optional bonus yoni egg practice
- Correcting karmic imprints through intentional sex magic
- Wealth Alchemy Kit 2: yoni egg introduction (optional) to amplify pranic sources, attune to subtle mastery, and amplify the light of the soul
The Toolkits
You’ll receive 10 total audio practice guides inside these two toolkits. You will have lifetime access to this material (downloadable files). All practices are 15-30 minutes each and easily integrated into a daily practice (Most are under 2o minutes). Customize your Sex + Money journey through guided selection of which practices are right for you and when.

Shadow Treasures
Our patterns in sex and money are often reflective of each other. The same patterns show up in relationship to our sexuality, and to money. In order to unravel karmic patterns around money, we inhabit the place of the body wherein the shadow resides. In bringing the shadow conscious, it looses power over us and our lives, and we are free to embody the gift.
Root: Safety
Shadow: unworthiness, lack, no financial stability (lots of ebb + flow), insecure about money + sex, finding security through someone else/an organization/institution
Light: it’s safe to have, I am worthy of sustained abundance, flexibility, stability + security, I am secure on my own, it’s safe to rely on others
Practice: Root + Vessel
Pussy: Wellspring
Shadow: not juicy and receptive, dried up/dead, no joy or abundance coming in, guilt, stealing from others, outsourcing creativity
Light: infinite resource of abundance, pleasure, joy, creation, trust and celebration of your own creative currents
Practice: Pleasure Wellspring
Navel: Power
Shadow: trying too hard or not at all, power abuse, control, shame, anger, giving power away (to another person, partner, “the system”, etc)
Light: commitment to wealth/health, healthy ego, in your power, surrendered, healthy will and ego
Practice: Power Activation
Heart: Flow
Shadow: no self worth, hoarding/witholding, over giving and not filling own cup first
Light: feeling a flow of abundance, giving and receiving equally, filling up
Practice: Love Massage

Wealth Alchemy
Activate the sexual kundalini energy, then channel it into the subtle bodies to create abundance. This is the subtle energetics of sex + money: receptivity and magnetism. Learn how the different energy bodies support abundance: the arcline, aura, pranic body, and radiant body. Learn how to determine which ones are weak, which ones are strong. Practice guides are provided for daily use. Practices are mostly rooted in tantric kundalini and utilize the use of sound technology (mantra), accupressure (asana + mudra), breath, and visualization to re-pattern the glandular system, nervous system and subtle bodies.
Sex Kundalini Activation. This sweet, slow, sensual practice powerfully awakens the sexual current. From here, we channel this primal power into one of the following practices:
Seeding Prayers. Activate the arcline, your power to beam a prayer into reality. Women have two arclines, but they can become dimmed or weakened. When strong, the arcline has the power to hold a sustained, embodied prayer.
Magnetize Blessings. This practice opens the channels to the heart, arcline, and aura to magnetize abundance. It also supports you in holding resources, not giving everything away unnecessarily. The aura is essential in sexuality and prosperity as the container within which you are contained. The aura also attracts blessings into your life.
Generate Abundance. This practice works at the roots of prosperity in generating the resources, within and without, to provide abundance. Tap into ancient power through seed sounds that source from the deep well of creation.
Know the Unknown. This practice helps you align with the sublte flow of abundance. Part of long term prosperity is being able to intuitively predict the future, and then position yourself well so that abundance can flow to you.
Magnify Radiance. This practice activates the magnificent, miraculous power of the radiant body. The light of your soul shines in all directions, forming a beacon. It’s said that the radiant body is the only marketing your brand needs. Divine power of wealth that uplifts all.
Yoni Egg Magic (BONUS). This optional practice is an extra, juicy sweet way to activate the sexual currents and channel them into the subtle.
Sex + Money is NOT:
A business course that give you the practical tools to start a business
A one size fits all approach to sex and/or money
A get rich quick protocol, sustained practice is necessary
A detailed course on how to practically handle your money, investments, etc.
When are the live workshops and how do I participate?
Lives are 2 hours, on Sundays at 3pm MST/4pm CST.
These will take place on Zoom. You will receive a link prior to the event to tune in. All sessions will be recorded and posted onto the course page under each module within 24 hours.
Live Dates:
July 9, 5-7pm MT/6-8pm CT
July 16, 5-7pm MT/6-8pm CT
July 23, 5-7pm MT/6-8pm CT
What if I can't attend the live workshops?
No problem! All three live workshops are recorded. Replays will be posted within 24 hours. You’ll have the opportunity to download these resources for lifetime access.
What if I can't participate during the exact dates? How long will I have access to the course material?
These practices are powerful anytime. You’ll have access to the entire course materials for life. This will give you plenty of time to integrate the practices and experience.
Do I need any special tools to participate?
You’ll need:
- a computer, tablet, or smartphone to access the course portal
- an internet connection
- comfy clothes you can move in
- a body-friendly oil like jojoba, coconut, olive, sesame, etc.
- optional: yoni egg, jade or obsidian (Medium sized, horizontally drilled is best for most women. If you experience pain upon penetration, you may want to choose a small. If you have prolapse or a weak pelvic floor, you may want a large size.)
How do I access the course material?
Upon enrollment, you’ll be prompted to create an account for your access into the course. All course materials will be accessible there. You’ll also be able to ask questions and get support. The online portal is also easily accessible through your desktop, or via the online app: Kajabi. This allows you more freedom to participate on the go (while traveling or on your lunch break, etc).