The Spiral
Cosmic + sensual aliveness to create the life you love
When a woman is fully alive, cosmically and sensually, she is a limitless force for beauty in the world. The entire universe moves through her. She effortlessly commands the elements to align around her deepest heart’s desire. When a woman is in alignment with the natural currents of the universe, the universe itself bows to her, as she bows to it.
When a woman resides in this power of creation, all are lifted. Beauty ripples in all directions. The world comes into greater balance because she is being herself. It’s natural, complete, and available to all.
When a woman is fully alive, she’s tapped into the forces beyond. Her magic is turned all the way up. And when these currents are pointed in the right directions, those directions aligned with love, truth, beauty, the entire world benefits. Ordinary miracles are inevitable.

The Spiral is an online membership for women that includes:
- A monthly astrological guide to the archetypes
- Two monthly practices (approximately 20 minutes each)
- Monthly Live Workshops with Nicole
- Monthly rituals to align with the astrological/archetypal currents
- Extras…see below for full benefits
What: Monthly guidance and structure to create the life you love. Practices are kundalini yoga + meditation, classical and neo tantra, tao tantric arts, and ritual.
How/Where: Simple just-hit-play, pre-recorded audio guides to take with you anywhere.
When: Join anytime throughout the spiral of the year, cancel anytime.
Why: For sensual and cosmic aliveness, to create the life you love.

The Spiral is for you if…
You’re ready to come fully ALIVE, sensually and cosmically, and create a life you love.
You want to create a life you can fall in love with, in alignment with the forces of the universe
You want tools to awaken the primordial kundalini within, inviting passion, vitality, and creativity to permeate all. Fully inhabit your body, your sexuality: birthright of raw, primal creative power.
You want to open the divine channels of cosmic kundalini and allow miracles, blessings and grace to flow into your life. Learn to embody your infinite, cosmic blueprint.
You want to cultivate a daily practice that nourishes body + soul. You want powerful, simple practices that you can weave into your daily life that really work.
You want a structure to play within. Explore and embody the universal archetypal/astrological currents. Align with your heart’s deepest desires. Unravel ancient karmas, unhealthy patterns, integrate the shadows. Magnify your gifts and genius to create the life you love.

Hi, I’m Nicole and I’ll be your guide…
I’ve spent almost 40 years learning all the ways back to aliveness. I’ve struggled with a past of sexual and emotional trauma and abuse, addiction, depression, anxiety, illness, and more. I have met darkness nose to nose, melted and transmuted to reclaim light. I’ve built a thriving business, deeply gratifying work, intimate relationships, a lifestyle that I deeply love. If deep, sensual, cosmic, ecstatic aliveness is possible for me, I know it is for you, too.
For 13+ years, I’ve supported over 50,000 people to come alive, and build incredible lives from their center of creative power. I started noticing similar patterns through the process, and thus, The Spiral was born.
I can’t claim to have all the answers, but I’d like to make it easier for you to create the life you love. I believe the more of us creating from deep sensual and cosmic aliveness, the better off we all are.
How it works:
At the beginning of each astrological season, you’ll receive access to a new module (see calendar dates and themes below). Each new module contains resources, practices, a ritual, and more to align with the seasonal astrological/archetypal energies.
The magic is in the practices. Embody each astrological archetype through kundalini yoga + meditation, taoist tantric arts, neo-tantra, and more.
During most modules, there will be one kundalini practice, and one tantra/sensuality practice. One practice is aimed at awakening the earthly kundalini, and one to invite the cosmic kundalini down and in. Both practices weave together to balance both the earthly + cosmic kundalini energies through the body and being.
These practices are to increase your capacity for aliveness through nervous system + glandular system balance. When the glands and nerves are harmonized, shifts in consciousness naturally arise. When our consciousness shifts, reality shifts.
These practices allow for gentle and sustainable unraveling of resistance (energetic, karmic, ancestral, emotional). Using the astrological archetypal map, we see what parts of ourselves have been repressed, exiled, forgotten. We reclaim our original state of wholeness.
Through daily individual and group practice, we gently begin to amplify the gifts of each astrological archetype, rising into our unique imprint of genius and creation. We create a new habit of being ALIVE in our fullness and wholeness.
Ritual weaves it all together, elevates us into the realm of myth. Ritual bypasses the neocortex, the rational mind and anchors us into the ancient memory of our ancestors. Together, we make new rituals that enliven us to weave ordinary magic into our daily lives, amongst the dishes and dust.
Practicing in these ways awakens the ancient currents of creation within. We spiral around the wheel of the year, embodying these ancient stories of creation.
We awaken and uncoil the two kundalini energies of earth/sex and cosmic/divine. We become the ordinary miracle-makers, the ones who make heaven on earth.
Plug into the pulsating network of aliveness, the community. Monthly Lives allow for deeper sharing and witnessing, as well as group practice. When we practice together, our efforts are amplified. Hear from others about their journey, be witnessed in your own, lean into a web of love for support.
The consistent, rhythmic spiral nature of this membership is designed to support you in creating a daily/weekly practice to come ALIVE, to connect you with others doing the same, and to create a life you can fall in love with.
2023 Calendar + Themes

Direction: Northeast
Solar Gateway: Imbolc
Astrological Season: Aquarius
Tarot Archetype: The Star
Planetary Ruler: Uranus
Tarot Archetype: The Fool
Deep confidence and trust in oneself
Being “full” of yourself is a good thing
An opening for light, a gateway through which the divine is manifested
Innovation, creativity, breakthrough in thought, lighting bolt realizations
Pure consciousness before/after death, mystical, transcendent, ecstatic
Giving birth to new forms through this state of wonder

Direction: East
Solar Gateway: Spring Equinox
Astrological Season: Pisces
Tarot Archetype: The Moon
Planetary Ruler: Neptune
Tarot Archetype: The Hanged Man
Karmic clearing, work that needs to be done, the repetitive patterns that bind/limit us
Taking a different posture (upside down) to gain clarity
Surrender/acceptance, moving beyond ego, trusting life
Waking from sleepiness, blindness, depression, numbness
Psychic depths, the dreamworld

Direction: East
Solar Gateway: Spring Equinox
Astrological Season: Aries
Tarot Archetype: The Emperor
Planetary Ruler: Mars
Tarot Archetype: The Tower
Initiating a new journey from the rubble of the old
Taking up leadership/responsibility of your own life
Personal power, sex, passion, the erotic soul
Committing to burn up of the old self, conditioning, the artificial
Leaping headfirst into a new life, bold and vital
The wisdom of the Fool, necessary at the beginning of any journey

Direction: Southeast
Solar Gateway: Beltane
Astrological Season: Taurus
Tarot Archetype: The Heirophant
Planetary Ruler: Venus
Tarot Archetype: The Empress
Meeting the earth goddess: the healing power of love, feminine nourishment, yin
Emotional vulnerability and stability, the trusting and open heart
Giving and receiving love in equal measure
Receiving and nurturing the vision, oracular power to carry wisdom into the world
Commitment through union of body, mind, spirit
Practical self care, self worth, valuing the body, heart and soul

Direction: South
Solar Gateway: Summer Solstice
Astrological Season: Gemini
Tarot Archetype: The Lovers
Planetary Ruler: Mercury
Tarot Archetype: The Magician
The twins – meeting the other, the alchemical container of relationship, the mirror
Various forms of love, relationship containers
Inner child, curious, always learning, innocent, playful
Polarities, dichotomies, shadow/light, good/evil within
Web of wyrd, woven relationships of community, family, culture, life
Power of language to shape consciousness + reality

Direction: South
Solar Gateway: Summer Solstice
Astrological Season: Cancer
Tarot Archetype: The Chariot
Planetary Ruler: Moon
Tarot Archetype: The High Priestess
The journey home to oneself, the oasis within, oracle within
Trust in the other, and in the self
Clarity of mind, trusting your intuition and vision
The balance of polarities within: masculine and feminine, stillness and activity, holding on and releasing
Consciously choosing and initiating beneficial change, following through as a way to honor ourselves

Direction: Southwest
Solar Gateway: Lammas
Astrological Season: Leo
Tarot Archetype: Strength
Planetary Ruler: Sun
Tarot Archetype: The Sun
Activating the vital aliveness + regal vibration
Wholeness as the key to aliveness, invoking internal radiance
Tending the beasts within: ego, desire, hunger, fears, hatred
Strength as radiance, luminosity, passion, dynamism, magnetism
Allowing passion, kundalini to move through us and create
Creative inner child that regenerates herself again and again
Experiencing and expressing our dynamic nature

Direction: West
Solar Gateway: Fall Equinox
Astrological Season: Virgo
Tarot Archetype: The Hermit
Planetary Ruler: Mercury
Tarot Archetype: The Magician
Belonging to oneself, sovereignty
Introspection, contemplation, reflection – making sure things are complete before moving on
Lantern bearer, way shower, a light in the darkness, teacher who has experienced life, gained wisdom
Integration of the shadow through integrity and honesty
Mercurial medicine: traveling into underworld to bring back wisdom for self/others

Direction: West
Solar Gateway: Fall Equinox
Astrological Season: Libra
Tarot Archetype: Justice
Planetary Ruler: Venus
Tarot Archetype: The Empress
Radical and compassionate honesty, judgement, truthfulness
Blind eye/sword of justice, clear thinking and honest, loving reflection
Grounding creative ideas/thoughts into reality, into the material world
Beauty in the balance of all things: masculine/feminine, dark/light, give/receive, etc
Sensuality medicine, the body as a temple of love
Fertility and creativity within relationships, the exquisite masterpiece that is human relationship

Direction: Northwest
Solar Gateway: Samhain
Astrological Season: Scorpio
Tarot Archetype: Death
Planetary Ruler: Pluto
Tarot Archetype: Judgement
Sex, death, and soul-bonding erotic life force energy, the kundalini
Shedding skins to synch with the greater cycles present, the forces beyond our control
Conscious dying while living to reconnect with the eternal power/kundalini
The great sources of power available to us, self empowerment, empowering others
Cutting through old patterns, making compost for fertility

Direction: North
Solar Gateway: Winter Solstice
Astrological Season: Sagittarius
Tarot Archetype: Temperance
Planetary Ruler: Jupiter
Tarot Archetype: Wheel of Fortune
Breakthrough, liberation as we align with our destiny
Holding the big vision as an alchemical cauldron of evolution
The subtle energy bodies and magnetizing luck, manifesting miracles, prosperity magic, abundance
Resolution of conflicts within our nature (dichotomies, polarities)
Aligning with “natural law” versus man-made law

Direction: North
Solar Gateway: Winter Solstice
Astrological Season: Capricorn
Tarot Archetype: The Devil
Planetary Ruler: Saturn
Tarot Archetype: The World
Breaking free from limiting patterns, what bedevils us, liberating ourselves from the confines of culture, religion, social structures
Owning our wisdom, taking our magic seriously
Mastery of self, structures of success
Great work, mastering our unique contribution to the collective, giving it to the world
The spiral evolution, constantly letting go in order to become who we truly are
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
-Howard Thurman
The Spiral Monthly Membership Includes:
Monthly astrology + archetype guide. A written guide on the monthly archetype aligned with the astrological season. This outlines the seasonal gateway, shadows + gifts, balance points, inspiration for reflection.
Two monthly practices. Video and/or audio guides, 10-30 minutes each. One practice is aimed at unraveling resistance and/or integrating the shadow, the other for amplifying gifts and light. One practice for awakening and raising the earth kundalini, the other at allowing the cosmic kundalini to descend. Often, both practices will be a weaving of both simultaneously.
Monthly ritual. A written ritual to invoke the magic alive in the astrological and archetypal realm. Bring it into your home, bed, relationships, job, communities.
Monthly LIVE Zoom session with Nicole. One hour which includes a short lecture, practice, and community connection + sharing. Replay included for those who cannot attend live. Monthly Lives are scheduled two months in advance (see schedule above), dates and times will vary and will be aligned with astrological portals (new/full moons, significant transits and progressions, etc).
Q & A section in the membership portal. Get all your questions answered by Nicole within 48 hours.
Online portal: easy to use, accessible with all the course material (videos, audios, live recordings, etc). Connect to the portal on a desktop, tablet, or via the app on your phone. Practice in your own timing.
Access to all previous content in The Spiral.

Sample Month – Aquarius
Astrology + Archetype Guide
- A written Astrology/Archetype Guide covering:
- The Aquarius/Leo axis
- Embodying deep confidence and trust in oneself
- Being “full” of yourself is a good thing
- Becoming an opening for light, a gateway through which the divine is manifested
- Invoking innovation, creativity, breakthrough in thought, lighting bolt realization
- Embodying pure consciousness before/after death, mystical, transcendent, ecstatic
- Giving birth to new forms through this state of wonder
Practice 1: Tershula Kriya
- Video Guide for Tershula Kriya Meditation aka the “Thunderbolt of Shiva”
- Practice Audio Guide, just hit play and practice
- Neutralizing unhealthy family dynamics, gaining perspective, breakthrough
- Planting seeds in the freshly tilled soil, some seeds only germinate with fire (thunderbolts)
- Balance the three gunas: rajas, tamas, sattva
Practice 2: Breast Massage + Aura Activation
- Video Guide for Breast Massage + Aura Activation
- Practice Audio Guide, just hit play and practice
- Leo’s relationship to the heart, the seat of the soul
- Self love, self trust, caring for your emotional heart
- Activating the erotic life force energy through the breasts/nipples
- Filling your own cup, your own heart, allowing it to overflow
- Expanding the sexual energy through the heart, and out to feed the aura
- Magnetism through the breasts, heart, auric field
- The Star Ritual written guide for communion with your higher self
Monthly Live
- Sunday, February 5th, 1pm Central/12pm Mountain
- Full Moon in Leo practice to align with the Aquarius/Leo axis energy
- Short lecture, practice, and time to connect with each other
- Recorded for those who cannot attend live

The Spiral Path…
Astrological and archetypal information is meant to be used as inspiration to guide your embodiment journey. Your own experience is the ultimate teacher. Each archetype expresses itself differently through each individual. The spiral design is simply an ancient, tried and true structure for you to play within. It is not the word of god.
The archetypal currents of astrology, tarot, and the wheel of the year are three overlapping maps of viewing ourselves and the world. They represent aspects of our own psyches and souls, as well as the collective. They are not the only correct maps. The various wisdom traditions of the globe all depict the same terrain with different colors and language. Nicole has simply chosen these maps because she has the most embodied and ancestral experience with them. You are invited to make them your own, or not.
You are welcome to join this year-long curriculum and container at any time throughout the year. The Spiral will repeat each year, introducing new material each year and building on the last cycle. When you join, you have access to all previous months.
We spend one month on each astrological / archetypal theme, allowing for a deep dive, while simultaneously offering space to digest at your own pace.
As we spiral through the zodiac wheel, wholeness blossoms. One layer builds on the next. We become who we are. We contain the entirety of the universe within us: Leader, lover, teacher, student, fool, magician, priestess, warrior, witch, hermit, star, and so much more.
Each of us has a unique embodiment and expression of each astrological current. Each archetype has medicine, wisdom, and magic for us. Each has its detriments, unhealthy expressions, and shadows as well.
Some archetypes are already strong in us, others not so much. Some are over-expressed and need to be softened or balanced by the opposite. Some under utilized archetypes can contain a multitude of gifts, medicine, beauty.
In The Spiral, you receive guidance on integrating the shadows and amplifying the light of each astrological current. We transmute resistance and awaken the dormant gifts in each.
You also learn that all your parts are in exquisite relationship to each other. As the year progresses, bonds form between the awakening, maturing parts of you. A divinely interconnected web begins to reveal within, mirroring the innate perfection of the universe.
The year-long journey is a spiral because we cycle through these gateways of the archetypes, each time with new insights, mastery, medicine. A spiral is a circular line that increases in altitude, gaining higher perspective on our personal and collective dramas. We cannot escape the messy beauty of being human, but wisdom and tools to thrive within it make all the difference.
Payment Options
The Spiral
Monthly Rate- Join anytime. Cancel anytime.
- You’ll be billed monthly until you cancel your subscription.
- As this is a digital product, no refunds will be given. Please read the FAQ below or reach out to Nicole with any questions to ensure you’re making a purchase that is right for you.
What is your refund policy?
Because of the digital nature of this product, no refunds are given. If you have questions prior to purchase, reach out and ask. We are happy to support you in making a purchase decision that is right for you.
No refunds are given on yearlong contracts.
The monthly subscription allows you cancel anytime through the year, no questions asked. No refunds will be given on billing cycles already paid. Cancellations will apply only to future months.
How much time do I need to devote each month?
You’ll want around 1.5-5 hours each month to devote to The Spiral Membership.
The monthly guides and/or videos are quick, but packed full of incredible content.
The two monthly practices range from 10-45 minutes. It’s ideal to do each pratice atleast once throughout the month. These practices can also be done daily for a deeper dive.
The rituals are short, sweet, and potent.
The weekly Zoom sessions are an hour and include a group practice.
When can I join? How do I cancel?
You can join The Spiral Membership and/or Free Community anytime. New modules open as the sun moves into the next zodiac sign (dates listed above). However, you are welcome to jump in at any time throughout the year. This is a circle/spiral, not a linear process.
When you sign up for your membership, an autopay will be activated for that same date each month, until you decide to cancel. (Example: if you sign up on March 14th, all sequencial payments will be automatically withdraw on the 14th.)
You can easily cancel your membership anytime through the online portal. You’ll maintain access to the material until your current paid month ends. Once your membership expires, you’ll loose access to all material on the online portal.
The Spiral Community is always free.
What if I travel a lot or am super busy?
This membership was designed for you: busy but wanting regular support and community. The Spiral is ideal for busy people who want to slowly and sustainably build a regular practice + connection.
Even if you only have 1.5 hours per month to devote to these practices, it’s well worth it.
The material is easily accessible anywhere you have a wifi connection. Download guides + practices to do on the go.
Do I need any special tools to participate?
You’ll need:
- a computer, tablet, or smartphone to access the course portal
- an internet connection
- ritual materials to be announced each month: these are typically household items you’ll already have on hand
How do I access the course material?
Upon enrollment, you’ll be prompted to create an account for your access into the course through Kajabi. You’ll immediately gain access to the membership portal where all the content resides. You’ll also be able to ask questions and get support from Nicole on the membership portal. The online portal is also easily accessible through the online app: Kajabi. This allows you more freedom to participate on the go (while traveling or on your lunch break, etc).
Can I participate if I don't identify as a woman or womb-carrier?
This course is specifically designed for those who have a womb or womb-space, no matter your gender. We will be working directly with the womb, the yoni, etc. If you do not have a physical womb or yoni, you can still work with the energy of these organs. For example, if you have had surgeries to remove your uterus, yet you still identify as a womb-carrier, you’ll be empowered to amplify and energize this organ/energy.