Tomb  Womb

A winter solstice cocoon for soul-deep rebirth + renewal

Are you achingly hungry for soul-deep rest and renewal? Longing to soak your tired soma in the nourishing dark of the mystery?

Do you long to reconnect with the spirit realms of your origins? Feel held and supported by the unseen forces of this world?

Frustrated and unable to practice deep listening? Deeply desiring to attune to the voices of your ancestors, guides, wise one within?

Do you know soul-death has medicine for you right now? Are you afraid to go there alone for fear you won’t come back?

Are you heavy with the weight of karma/drama/trauma that just seems to be getting louder and louder? Not lighter and lighter?

Do you know it’s time for soul-deep rebirth? One that calls forth the miracles and magick coded in your DNA?

Are you finally ready to lay it all down on the altar of death? To call forth the luminosity asleep in your bones?

Sweetheart, it’s time to die softly like the sun on the winter solstice,

and be reborn…

“Dance, when you’re broken open.

Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off.

Dance in the middle of the fighting.

Dance in your blood.

Dance when you’re perfectly free.”

― Rumi

Tomb Womb is a deep ceremonial cocoon to…

  • Build relationships to the spirit world, guides, ancestors in an authentic way. Feel and know the support and light of your guides in the darkest times.


  • Gift yourself a sacred pause during this busy holiday season to claim deep rest and renewal: for body, heart, mind, soul, spirit.


  • Shed the old skins and stories. Break addictions that have held you hostage for lifetimes. Release the ancient karmic weight and dance free on the altar of death.


  • Alchemize ancestral suffering into pure love. Awaken and align with the miracles asleep in your genetic coding.


  • Open and receive the nourishing, sweet darkness of winter deeply into your soma, dispelling fear and invoking deep, resounding peace.


  • Channel the sacred sexual current into union with the divine, spiritual connection, and intuition.


  • Illuminate from within. Align with the death goddess, and imminent rebirth that rises from it. Experience the infusion of heavenly light and vitality that she bestows upon such intrepid travelers.

“Another brilliant Nicole creation. So magical, so healing, so incredibly full of intention and love and safety. It felt very familiar but was so perfect for what I needed…aspects of the magic created in other retreats but it took it to a deeper level… more concentrated… Having a place (the spiral) to help me be brave enough to release and allow such immense change was everything. And to die and rest was so soothing. Coming out was terrifying but as I walked out I had glimmers of inspiration. I’d been mostly void of any dream or anything inspiring for a very very very long time. I can taste new beginnings somewhere on the horizon now.” –2021 participant

Three Part Ceremonial Cocoon


Breaking the stress addiction + karmic unraveling

Death as medicine: 

  • Make your offerings at the altar of the winter solstice, invoke the felt and known presence of your guides, ancestors, helping spirits.
  • Living a ceremonial life, creating and nourishing your winter solstice altar.
  • A simple and powerful death ritual to consciously and kindly release something in your life.

Kundalini movement + meditation:

  • Release stress and fear from the internal organs (especially adrenals and kidneys), creating a deep sense of peace.
  • Unravel habitual mental/energetic/emotional patterns that are causing suffering, release yourself from deep karmic grooves.
  • Break addictions of all kinds.
  • Support your physical and energetic body to deeply rest and restore.

Taoist tantric alchemy:

  • Cultivate and nourish your sexual/healing energy reserves.
  • Channel sexual energy into physical/mental/emotional healing.
  • Nourish the batteries of your body: the kidneys, inviting a sense of peace and easy release.
  • Bone nourishing practices for invoking the genetic light codes of your ancestral lineage, and attuning to your deepest truths.
  • Connect to and nurture your bone marrow, for creations rising from the depths of the primordial cosmic/earth power, dripping with authenticity and magick.

Release Ritual:

  • A deeply embodied, sensual ritual to release (inspired by Inanna’s descent).
  • Spiral into the tomb/womb of all destruction and creation.
  • Shed the weight of ripened karmas, cleanse and bless your wounds, rest in holy wholeness in the temple of the underworld.
  • Surrender to the night and rest deeper than you ever have before.


Inside the quantum cauldron

Resting at the center of the spiral, invoking miracles + magick:

  • The still point at the center of the spiral and how to invoke its magic.
  • Embodying the receptive vessel which opens and fills with miracles. Soak in the beauty of your most essential self.
  • Listen deeply to the ancestors and spirits that guide you. Learn ways to integrate these ideas into daily life. 
  • Connect to your inner teacher, guru, guide, wise one.
  • A ritual for embodying the receptive vessel.

Kundalini movement + meditation:

  • Attune and align your subtle body: your connection to the akashic records and karmic imprints, clearing the old and worn out patterns, magnetizing the true.
  • Awaken and align with the miracles imprinted in your genetic code through a potent death meditation.
  • Unravel limiting karmic/ancestral patterns simply by aligning with the center of the spiral.

Tantric Alchemy:

  • Awaken and experience the deep wisdom and medicine of your own quantum cauldron — your womb.
  • Clear stuck, stagnant, unhealthy patterns from the matrix of your physical and energetic womb.
  • Saturate your womb in healing frequencies of pleasure and forgiveness.
  • Experience the flow of the infinite dancing through your body, your womb, your life. Ecstatic emptiness embodied.

Receive Ritual

  • Spiral into the center of the tomb/womb in a burial ritual.
  • Visit your deepest cave of the mystery to receive the gifts this solstice bestows upon you.
  • Receive guidance from the unseen realms, that which wants to be birthed through you in the coming cycle.


Gratitude and celebration to honor and embody your ceremony

The return of the light:

  • Honor your sacred and continued incubation through winter.
  • Nourish and expand the light within, illuminating your receptive vessel.
  • Honor the spirit world, calling on their assistance in seeing you through dark days.
  • Breathe life into what will be birthed come spring, from the cozy home of your still-dark cave.
  • Bring your insights out into the world, in your own timing.

Kundalini movement + meditation:

  • Rebirthing breath work practice to imbibe all the cells of your body with light.
  • Reset the pranic imprint anchored at birth, connecting to true and deep sources vitality.
  • Metabolize more light as the sun grows in the sky, becoming homo-luminous.
  • Open to the flow of gratitude through every cell.

Tantric alchemy:

  • Seduce cosmic light into your body through simple pleasure alchemy. Soothe your nervous system, balance the glandular system.
  • Light up your energy system, chakra by chakra, infusing luminosity into every area of your existence.
  • Awaken true sources of vitality: the sexual/creative current.
  • Transmute sexual energy into your entire energy field for unity and divine connection.
  • Seal in all previous practices/rituals deeply into the physical and energetic bodies for sustained change.

Renew Ritual:

  • Be reborn from tomb to womb.
  • Renew and return to the light.
  • Embody the temple priestess of life/death/life
  • Build right relationships with the spirit world by offering gratitudes and celebrations, and commitment to this rising light.

“When we first spiraled (in ceremony), I felt the shift but I first felt something magical was afoot when I set up my altar…” –2021 participant

What’s inside Tomb Womb…

Welcome Module:

  • Orientation video (30 min)
  • Creating a Winter Solstice Altar video guide (10 min) — setting sacred space.
  • Invocation of the Four Directions audio guide (25 min) — invoking the spirits, guides, ancestors.
  • Journaling guide for deepening reflection within the cocoon.

Release Module:

  • Video transmission: Release (20 min) — introducing the topic, practical tools to integrate the wisdom you gather, a brief ritual to attune to the energies.
  • Two embodiment practice video guides (kundalini + tantra) (60-75 min) — (this is where the juice is) somatic embodiment to support your ceremony — aligning the organs, nervous system, glandular system, chakras, subtle bodies, spirit with ceremonial magick.
  • Release Ceremony video guide (25 min) — preparing for the ritual, making offerings to the spirits, and altar magick.
  • Release Ceremony audio guide (55 min) — step by step guided journey into Inanna’s descent and ascent from the underworld.
  • Two guided journaling practices for deepening reflection on your experiences

Receive Module:

  • Video transmission: Receive (20 min) — introducing the topic, practical tools to integrate the wisdom you gather, a brief ritual to attune to the energies.
  • Two embodiment practice video guides (kundalini + tantra) (60-75 min) — (this is where the juice is) somatic embodiment to support your ceremony — aligning the organs, nervous system, glandular system, chakras, subtle bodies, spirit with ceremonial magick.
  • Receive Ceremony video guide (10 min) — preparing for the ritual, making offerings to the spirits, and altar magick.
  • Receive Ceremony audio guide (50 min) — step by step guided journey into Inanna’s descent and ascent from the underworld.
  • Two guided journaling practices for deepening reflection on your experiences

Renew Module:

  • Video transmission: Renew (20 min) — introducing the topic, practical tools to integrate the wisdom you gather, a brief ritual to attune to the energies.
  • Two embodiment practice video guides (kundalini + tantra) (60-75 min) — (this is where the juice is) somatic embodiment to support your ceremony — aligning the organs, nervous system, glandular system, chakras, subtle bodies, spirit with ceremonial magick.
  • Renew Ceremony video guide (10 min) — preparing for the ritual, making offerings to the spirits, and altar magick.
  • Renew Ceremony audio guide (50 min) — step by step guided journey into Inanna’s descent and ascent from the underworld.
  • Two guided journaling practices for deepening reflection on your experiences

Closing Module:

  • Continuing your journey video guide (15 min)
  • Guided journaling
  • Resources


  • Recording of a Live Winter Solstice Ritual with Nicole
  • Lifetime access to all course materials to move through the ceremony at your own pace. This ceremonial cocoon is powerful at any time of year. Lifetime access is a downloadable dropbox link with all materials.
  • A 21 day lush and sacred cocoon to hold you through the winter solstice doorway

Yoni Egg Upgrade

The yoni egg is a potent Taoist practice to facilitate deeply embodied transformation. It is a crystal or stone egg that is invited into the vagina. Learn how to utilize this ancient tool to deepen your experience of the tomb/womb of creation during the powerful gateway of the Winter Solstice. The vagina is the root of all existence, the cave of kundalini, the source of all life. Journey inward with the egg as an anchor as you explore the realms of embodied mysticism within the temple of our your own body.

Yoni Egg practices will combine somatic awareness and movement, Taoist tantric arts, sensual massage, meditation, visualization, energy work, and more. These practices weave seamlessly into the three modules of Release, Receive, and Renew.

The Yoni Egg Upgrade completes the journey by pulling down the light of the cosmos deeply into the body. We light from the depths of the inside of the cave. The sexual center is our holiest treasure. It is the altar upon which the fire of the Winter Solstice is lit.

If you desire the deepest level Winter Solstice light activation, this is for you!

What You’ll Receive With This Upgrade:

Introduction to Yoni Eggs Video (30 min)
This is perfect for absolute beginners. You get the history, proper and safe usage of yoni eggs, benefits, why it works, and more. This video describes how to clean your egg, string your egg, and other frequently asked questions.

Initiation into Ceremonial Space — pre-recorded class (90 mins)
Initiate yourself into the deep cave of remembering, your own deepest root. We’ll ease our way into the yoni egg through gentle practices, preparing for our journey of release. Experience a clearing practice designed for a deep release of toxic energetic, emotional, spiritual patterns from your tomb/womb. Activate the deep resources of love, compassion, and acceptance within your deepest root. Come home to love.

Solstice Yoni Egg Ritual video guide (11 min) + audio guide (55 min)
Witness time standing still within the cave of mystery in your own body. In this special Solstice ritual, drop deep into the receptive state. Embody the vessel through which all life flows. Open, ready, surrendered. This is a powerful practice to do if you struggle with surrender in your body and/or life. You’ll be guided through a powerful ritual which connect you to the deepest heart of the mystery within your body. Who knows what you’ll find here…purest unconditional love, deepest trust, medicine of all medicines… Discover the gifts this Winter Solstice wishes to bestow upon you.

Rebirth + Closing the Container — pre-recorded class (90 mins)
Experience a gentle activation of the light within. When we travel deep enough into the darkness, light naturally springs forth. Celebrate this dawning flame within, fan it with your presence, love, and gratitude. Worship in the temple of your own yoni. Feel the source of vitality begin to surge through and nourish your entire energetic, physical, and spiritual being. Feel these energies ripple out into the rest of your life. 


How long will I have access to the course material?

These practices are powerful anytime. You will have access on the Kajabi online portal until July, 2024. You’ll have access to the entire course materials forever via a downloadable DropBox link.

Do I need any special tools to participate?

You’ll need:

  • a computer, tablet, or smartphone to access the course portal
  • an internet connection
  • comfy clothes you can move in
  • a yoni egg (if you choose to do the Yoni Egg Upgrade)
  • a body-friendly oil like jojoba, coconut, olive, sesame, etc.
  • an object (or more than one) that represents your ancestors
  • a special stone, only used for this retreat
  • other altar objects TBA
Where can I purchase a yoni egg and what kind should I get?

Nicole recommends Love Stone to purchase your egg. Jade is the first stone we typically work with. It brings overall balance and healing. Other options are obsidian (for shadow work) and rose quartz (for love). 

A medium sized egg will work well for most. If you have prolapse or have birthed children, you may choose a large size egg. If you experience pain upon penetration, you may want a small size egg.

You’ll also want an egg with a horizontally drilled hole in order to string your egg for resistance exercises.

Can I participate if I'm genderqueer?

Absolutely! This course is definitely designed for those in female bodies (especially with the Yoni Egg Upgrade). We will be working directly with the womb, the yoni, etc. If you do not have a physical womb or yoni, you can still work with the energy of these organs.

The Winter Solstice Spiral

During the days of the Winter Solstice, we meet the longest nights. For three days, the sun stands still in darkness. It may seem that all is dead, that the world has ceased its spinning. But on the third day, a light is lit from deep within the tomb/womb. The dawn arrives and we are reborn. Every year, the miracle repeats. Every year, we are invited deeper into the tomb/womb to die and be reborn, to become more of who we already are.

The Winter Solstice opens a portal to the Great Mystery, the void. During the three longest nights of the year, the lush darkness coils its tendrils around the places in us that need death, release, and forgiveness. We are nourished by this release for without it, we are heavy, weakened, full of false doings and beings. The sweet deep dark is a tomb wherein we can lay to rest the things we’ve been carrying for far too long.

What a relief to be unburdened. Karmic patterns are untangled. Our frayed edges can be woven back into wholeness. The darkness pulls at our unconscious patterns, unraveling what ties us to suffering, addiction, isolation, separation, and dis-ease.

This is the cauldron of quantum leaps. The cosmic tomb is the place where we lay to rest our burdens. It is also the cosmic womb from which all things are birthed. It is a turning point, the center of an infinite spiral. Energy is distilled and potent to support cosmically aligned miracles, magic, and other ordinary human feats.

We stand still at the center of the spiral and are renewed. Stripped down to the bare bones, just like the trees of winter, we remember what is most essential. Whatever remains is strengthened and fortified. We shine from the essence of our original soul, our most authentic self.

Here, we are most receptive to the spirit world. Our ancestors, guides, kindred spirits are all easily accessible and whispering to us. This is the time to listen deeply. We are an open vessel. The cosmic seeds of dreams are looking for a fertile place to land, for a human to come through. Insights, visions, clear knowing and trust are all treasures of these days. It is a powerful time to align with those deepest dreams of your soul, for the spirit world is close enough to breathe life into them.

As the sun begins its rise again, we are illuminated from within. In all the places the darkness cleared out, we radiate crystalline light. Our essential nature is liberated. We are aligned with that great cosmic spiral, weaving in and out of beauty. We know our place in it. We overflow with celebration and gratitude.

The Seasonal Wheel

Nothing is accidental. Not you. Not me. Nothing. We are helplessly, exquisitely woven into a wildly intricate web of existence. Infinite galaxies spiral in and out of each other. And by some strange miracle, here we are. Here you are, reading this.

Watch how the earth spins around our great star in a rhythmic motion. Light waxes and wanes through our bodies, married to a greater rhythm, a greater impulse that creates and destroys. Creates and destroys. Whether or not we are conscious of it, our entire lives are an ephemeral but constant prayer to these cycles. The spiral asks us to remember, over and over again, that we are woven into the exquisite tapestry of all life. The more we remember, the more exquisitely and inextricably we are woven back into this great beauty. It is the ecstasy of being fully alive.

The seasonal wheel that we experience on earth is part of this great cosmic spiral, a force of nature. We move our mouths into words like “God” or “The Universe” to describe it but really, we don’t know what wild and eternal mystery moves the stars. We do know we are a part of it. This same force that creates and destroys IS us. We are it. Problems come when we forget and fight that ancient rhythm. We isolate, believe we are somehow separate from this great ecstatic beauty and become out of sync. This causes the tapestry to fray, for everyone.

Consciously attuning to this seasonal spiral infuses us with magic. It’s not the extraordinary magic of smoke and mirrors, but the ordinary magic of remembering our thread in the tapestry, taking up our place in the cosmic web. When we align with this rhythmic cycle, we remember our innate beauty, our place among things. We are held by the entire Universe. Along with this remembering can come many things: a sense of deep peace; purpose or passion; aligned relationships; abundance; opportunities to offer our gifts to the world; physical, emotional, energetic healing.

This Winter Solstice Cocoon is one part of a four part journey through the seasonal wheel: Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox. Each of these seasonal doorways holds a particular medicine for us. Each doorway is associated with a different directional energy (North, East, South, West) in the northern hemisphere. We have gifts, medicines, helpers to gather at each doorway. Each time you move through a doorway in this ceremonial way, you become more aware and in touch with the medicines that support you there. You remember your gifts, your power, your support in new ways. You attune to the spiritual and earthly support that is here for you. This opens your life to new layers of magic you could not see before. It opens a new world. One wherein you get to play, experience, be who you came here to be.

The Winter Solstice / North holds the wisdom of the spirit realm, our ancestors, guides. It also opens us to the truth that we are not just bodies, we are soaked in a thick ocean of spirit. Spirit infuses literally everything we do. The North is where we learn to trust in this etheric realm. We learn to trust the timing of our lives. We learn to listen deeply to that wisdom of our soul. We align with the inner guru/teacher. We also learn to rest in that cosmic soup of potential from which all things are birthed. This is a very fertile space of the Creator/Creatress from which you can speak things into existence by aligning with the energy of it.

In this Winter Solstice Cocoon, you gather your North medicines. As you journey around the wheel, through the seasons in this way, you create a powerful wheel of magic to hold you through the spiral that is your life. You learn the patterns and language of your soul, of the magical world. And then, the fun really begins 🙂

Look for the upcoming seasonal doorways to continue your journey around the wheel:
Spring Equinox / East / Orgasmic Kundalini
Summer Solstice / South / Yoni Egg Pleasure Priestess
Fall Equinox / West / Oceanic Bliss

Questions? Get In Touch

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