We are living in unprecedented times. The need for lit humans is huge. Humans that are lit from within, with that indestructible light of the soul, that enduring quality of grace that compassion bestows, that sacred dignity of the human spirit. There is absolutely no more time to waste, we are absolutely, immediately in need of soul radiance shining through our skin to light the world.

We are living in a time of almost daily heartbreak. Most of us are crumbling or outraged at the local and global oppression, violence, and inequality. Many of us, too, are wading through our own personal and/or generational trauma. The world is humming, sobbing, screaming in pain. And this is just the human race. What of the earth? Where do we begin with the atrocities committed daily, historically, in broad daylight, and secretly to this sacred land we call home? Heartbreak, dear ones, daily heartbreak if our eyes are open and willing to see.

We see the steep climb ahead of us towards the mountain peak, to our own personal healing, the world we want to live in. Perhaps it feels insurmountable. Shoulders crack and slouch with the weight of what has been, and what is now.

The light needs the darkness to know itself.

There has never been a greater time to awaken the radiance of the soul. There has never been a riper moment to tend the sacred garden within, to mine the treasures hidden in your belly, your heart, your throat. The wounds cry out for balm. The ache is magnetic, drawing forth light, warmth, union from your bones. To admit the wound and commit to healing unleashes the invincible spirit. The grief and anger we cry out from is the howling of a lone wolf for its pack. We call out the pain of the soul, of separation, of loneliness in order to let other soul-makers find us. If we do not howl, if we do not pray, if we do not learn to heal with each other, we are lost and starving in the woods.

it is not our job to fix the whole world, to mend everything that is broken. It is our job to do the work that is ours, to reach in pull out the gems that are ours. The pressure has never been greater, and so, the opportunity to build resiliency has never been greater. The darkness is growing, and so, the capacity to spark our light is growing. This great breaking heart of the world is calling out to our gifts. This collective pain and suffering is a howl. It is calling us out of our safe hiding places, out of our shying away from our light, and into wholeness. The call of the world is magnetic. If you let it, if you do the work that is yours to do, it will unearth treasures, luminosity, and medicine this world has never seen. This is your work, to let yourself be called into radiance, howled into radiance.

This is why I created my Roots of Radiance Kundalini Immersion. We are being called into wholeness. It has never been more important to ignite the radiance of the soul, to enthrone the soul. This eternal life force energy is a superpower. It is the evolutionary force of creation. When we link to this, when we let this force move through us, evolution that is in alignment is inevitable. We can’t go wrong. It’s very safe in that way. It is not safe in the way you get to stay the same, stay small, stay stuck. It is safe in the way you can know you are doing the work you came here to do. You are letting light surge through you that tends the lights of others.

This world needs more hearts that are lit from within, that burn with this eternal radiance of the spirit. This energy knows how to heal what needs healing, join what has been separated, light what needs illuminating. Each of us has the responsibility and privilege to exalt the spirit, to let our radiance guide our way home.