We’re walking quickly towards the Summer Solstice. A doorway of light. Gateway to infuse every wish, desire, fear, problem, intricacy of human-being. This longest day illuminates all. It doesn’t choose what parts of us deserve the light, what parts of life have earned the right. The sun does not choose. It pours liquid gold into what is here. Now.

Your blockages? Lit up with awareness that can feel like raw skin exposed to salt water. That sting that brings the healing forth. Your desires? Coaxed forward from their seedling forms into fully bloomed roses, yearning to be plucked. Your broken parts? The parts you think may never heal? Light flows into it all. Liberating. Reminding you that it is all sacred. It is all a pathway to what is holy, to what is real, to what is Love.

The Summer Solstice is a doorway that illuminates whatever is present in your here and now. It is an opportunity to asses what’s working, what’s not. To release what is heavy, old, outdone. To call in the deepest desire. To speak out loud, to the sun, to the moon, to the earth, to the sky, what you want to create. What parts of your life, your being do you want this liquid light poured into?

This day is some potent magic. I urge you to use it well.


I offer you this ritual to mark the passing of the Summer Solstice. Ritual is a simple, incredibly powerful way to work with the energy of the earth and seasons. Research suggests that ritual effects the primal brain. This is the part of the brain that can hold some of our deepest and longest held pain and blockages. When we invoke ritual, it allows us to move into the mythic. We access energy beyond our conscious understanding. We enter the realm of the powerful sacred. We enter the realm of magic.

This simple ritual allows you to be the mystic, the one who bridges infinite and finite. This is an ability available to anyone.


1) Gather up your small offerings. You’ll be making offerings to the Summer Solstice in the form of food. Offerings like this are powerful because you are using a physical object to anchor an energy or thought pattern within or around you. It makes the intangible, tangible. In this way, we empower the forces of the Universe to come to our aid. You will gather these small offerings to symbolize your Gratitudes, Clearings, and Desires for your life.
Yellow food – Gratitudes (Could be sunflower seeds, mango, anything yellowish)
Black food – Clearings (Could be poppyseeds, raisins, anything blackish)
Red food – Desires (Could be apples, cherries, anything reddish)

2) Go outside. Pick a place in nature where you will be fairly undisturbed. This works in a public place like a park or lake. However, you want to choose a place that isn’t too noisy so that you can drop into a meditative, introspective space. Choose a place where you can create this ritual that pulls you in. It could be a little spot under your favorite tree, in your garden, etc. Allow yourself to be pulled to the “right spot”. Don’t over think it.

3) Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Feel your feet or legs or butt on the ground. Allow yourself to draw up nourishment from the earth. Feel the sky above you. Allow yourself to drink in nourishment from the infinite sky (sun, moon, stars, space). Get centered. You may want to take a few moments to meditate and clear your mental space.

4) Draw a circle in dirt or sand. Or create a circle with stones, sticks, other natural objects found around your site. The circle is a symbol of the continual cycle of life. It represents life, death, and rebirth. The circle is a sacred symbol that can hold the complexities of life. It is also a container that we can place on the earth as a physical place to call spirits into. We can create a circle to call for the the sacred into our lives.


5) Make a short prayer to consecrate your circle (silently or aloud). You can call in in God, the energy of the Universe, the force of creation, the Goddess, whatever you like to make this circle into a conscious container. You may also want to call in any guides, helpers, energies that could support you in this ritual, any support that is interested in your highest good, and the good of all. It could go like this, “I call in any guides, entities, energies, angels, teachers, etc that are interested in my highest good, and the good of all. I call these forces in to this circle. May this circle be saturated in sacredness, in the Divine, in Love.”

6) Hold your Gratitudes offering in your hands (the yellowish offering). Cup the food in your palm lovingly. You are going to infuse this object with your intention. Infuse this food with all the gratitudes of your life. Anything and everything you can think of…pour these gratitudes into the food so that the food takes on the energy of your gratitudes. You can speak these aloud, whisper, or pray silently or without words. Take as much time as you need. When finished, place the yellow food in the circle.

7) Repeat Step 6 with your Clearings with the black food. Hold the food in your hands and speak, whisper, or silently infuse the food with what you would like to clear. What is holding you back? What are your current blockages? What are your fears? Doubts? Fully feel what you are clearing. You may want to blow these clearings into the food with your breath. Take your time. When finished, place the black food in the circle.

8) Repeat Step 6 with your Desires with the red food. Infuse this food with your desires for the future, for your life. You may want to blow the desires into the food as you feel them. You may speak them aloud or whisper as if to a lover. You may simply meditate with the food in your hand as you infuse that food with the energy and vibration of your desires. Make it real. Take as long as you like. When finished, place the red food in the circle.

9) Take a moment to breathe and feel. All your offerings are now placed in the circle. Everything has been spoken. Trust that even those things left unsaid will be held in that sacred circle. In offering these Gratitudes, Clearings, and Desires to the circle, you release your control on them. You relinquish individual power to universal power. In this way, you join with the universal flow. Your offerings are now in the hans of the universe. The Gratitudes are received by the sacred and held in light to be amplified. Your clearings are also held in light, to be transformed, integrated, healed, uplifted, or whatever is needed. You can trust in the Universe. Your Desires are received and heard by the Universe. You release the need to know “how” or “when”. You allow the light of the solstice to hold these desires as the sacred seeds they are.

10) I recommend saying this prayer (from The Book of Runes) aloud:
You, who are the source of all power,
Whose rays illuminate the whole world,
Illuminate also my heart
So that it too can do Your work.

11) Sit in silence. Or bask. Or journal. Offer thanks. Leave the circle as it is for at least three days. You have offered up gratitudes, clearings, desires to the universe. Allow these seeds that were planted to move around in your life. Ritual like this can deeply effect the subconscious. It takes time to unfold. Pay attention to the shifts in your life.


PS. If you are craving more ritual, more opportunity to work with this powerful energy of the Summer Solstice, then you must enroll in Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation eCourse. This virtual study course is chock full of ritual and kundalini to invoke the powers of this doorway of light we are crossing through together. Make the most of this powerful time of year.