For as long as I can remember, I’ve lived by a promise to always move in the direction of my soul. It’s almost as though I have no choice. The are two choices: live in the deepest, most soul-abiding way possible, or leave the earth. It’s been that extreme. I have no interest in being on this earth if I am not living in integrity with the deepest longings of my being, if I am not in service to that which moves through me, that which moves through all things.

I don’t recall when I made this vow first. It was probably lifetimes ago. It’s been the current of my life. And as the years float by, it becomes more and more dear, this vow. It used to be unspoken and unknowable, like a silent river I could feel in the moments before and after sleeping. The place where the worlds touch, I could feel the vow simmering through my bones.

In the past decade, I’ve learned to speak it out loud. To make it conscious. A choosing. To be within the dance that life allows. The co-creation. If I am anything eternally, it is deeply and fully committed to whatever has soul. I am in service to the great mystery.

As many of you know, my work is turning more and more towards the merging of the spirituality and sexuality. This is where my life is flowing and I am overjoyed. Overflowing like a river in springtime just broken free of ice. It’s as if I am alive for the first time. The path that I have been on for over a decade is now ready to be shared with you. I’ve been studying kundalini, tantra, sexuality for over a decade. It is time to let you in.

This shift in my work has been a conscious choice born of the desire to be fully in integrity with you, my dear community. Tantra, jade egg, and other sexuality practices have been the most profound catalysts for my awakening, my healing, my transformation, my ability to manifest the life of my dreams.

I’m looking forward to sharing more of my own healing journey with you as I move forward into this work. I have healed sexual trauma that was held so deep in my body I thought I’d never be ok again. I have called forth pleasure so wild and free I’ve looked into the face of God. And I’ve come home to the deepest, richest, sweetest love possible – between me and my own body, me and my own skin, my own heart and pussy and soul. This work has transformed my relationships, the way I relate to partners, lovers, friends, family. It has fueled my career in directions I never thought possible. I have created some wild abundance.

Most of all, this work has brought me home to myself in all the ways I’ve always craved. It has reminded me that this Universe is ecstatic sweet orgasmic love in motion. And if we can peel back the layers enough, if we can release the stories, the addictions and obstacles….we can feel that pulsing vibrancy of All That Is. We can feel that we are part of it all. And it is all us.

Looking around at the current state of the world (especially in this country), it is clearer than ever that we are deeply in need of sexual revolution. We must come home to our bodies. We must learn to care for ourselves while we march on being the harbingers of change we must be. We must learn how to hold peace so deeply in our cells that no one, no one can take it from us. We must learn how to scream the voices that have been trapped inside for too long. We must befriend our fire. Women, we must remember our voices that drip and clamor with power that was buried but is far from dead. Women, it is time to remember that our sexuality is our power. And no one, no one owns it.

I believe that there is a rising happening. Some mysterious, creative, loving, destructive power is rising in us that will push us towards evolution. That will continue to pull the veil back. It is a loving power. A power that wants to bring us into our bodies, our hearts, our communities. And I believe the key to this power is held within our sexuality.

As someone committed to growth, service, and everything that has soul. I vow to serve this force, to let it move through me. To awaken and love and dream and create. With you.

Over the next few months, my work with be moving through some big changes. You will notice a content shift, obviously. I will continue to offer my beloved kundalini! As well as ritual and earth based-practices. I will be talking more and more about sexuality, tantra, jade egg, and more. I will also be moving much of my work to the virtual sphere to create clearer boundaries and a more sustainable life for myself while I continue to expand and go deeper with what I want to offer to you. I will be offering fewer, more in depth, in-person transformational and healing experiences for you.

I will still be teaching Kundalini Yoga, one of the love’s of my life, as well as offering my unique combination of earth medicine/ritual. I will be combining all the things I love! My offerings will continue to offer breadth for wherever you are on your path. These tools are multi-faceted and can be used in every single area of your life. These changes will roll out slowly and stay tuned for more details as they reveal themselves…

If this new direction does not suit your path, feel free to unfollow my journey. I am deeply grateful that our paths have crossed. My heart’s wish is that you got whatever you needed from this well. I wish you well on your journey. May you be blessed whatever well you drink from. I love you.

If this new direction suits you, or maybe you are just curious, or maybe you are crying shaking right now reading this…I am here for you. I cannot wait to play with you. I cannot wait to introduce you to some of the most epic, life changing, revolutionary, awakening practices you can do. I am so excited to heal, transform, wake up, love, dream and create with youuuu!!!!

Onwards to the juicy revolution!!!!
