I just finished a weekend long kundalini & sacred sexuality workshop in the north. I am forever in awe of women. How they always rise. No matter what the culture says, family conditioning, political climate…women rise.

I was seeing each woman (and myself) as a green chute. Delicate tender spring time unfurling creatures. And you know the way they poke through the concrete and cement? Try as we might to silence them, bulldoze, incinerate…their fresh heads find their way through the dark.

That is woman. Everything terrible can happen. A thousand times. And she will rise, inevitably, surely as the earth turns and seasons change. There is no other way. It’s what will be.

And just like for these green wisdom keepers, there is no rush. Even in winter, you can hear them practicing their songs underground, the way we women have done for eons. Until it’s time to stretch our lungs in the open air.

I have so much faith in all of us. To rise. In our time. To rise into the fullness of our spirits. Into the fullness of our sexuality. To fill with life, let it drip down our bodies like rain.

Even in the depths of your winter, I can hear you singing. Keep going. You are wilder than what holds you.