P L E A S U R E. Upon mention of the word, our minds may throw up barriers. “I can’t feel that” “my pleasure isn’t enough” “my pleasure is too much” “it should be this way or that way” etc… The truth is, we are MADE for pleasure: lusty, gentle, loving, primal, all kinds of pleasure. We are limitless in our capacity for it. And the primal brain is storehouse of so many of our unconscious, unknown blocks to pleasure. The places where we’ve learned it’s not safe to feel, to be fully alive in our pleasure.

One of my favorite ways to release the blocks of the primal brain is through ritual. One of my favorite goddesses to invoke for pleasure is A P H R O D I T E. Golden goddess of love, the senses, beauty, pleasure. She is the alchemical goddess that transforms whatever she touches, pouring that radiant light upon all, the light of love that makes us fall in love. This ritual is simple and powerful for invoking pleasure in your body and life. Calling on archetypes is an incredibly powerful way to effect change and transformation on a deep level.

🌹Invoking Aphrodite Ritual🌹

1) Clear out a space on a shelf in your bedroom or your altar for her. Wipe it down with a wet cloth. Take three exhales to blow away any dust or stagnant energy.

2) Carefully place one red rose in water on the altar. As you do, mindfully invoking the qualities you desire into your space: passion, vibrancy, pleasure, etc. The rose, an offering to Aphrodite. Take three breaths invoking the qualities you wish to bring in.

3) Place one red or gold candle on the altar. Gazing at the candle, take three breaths to invite Aphrodite into your space. Invite her alchemy into you to transform whatever is needed so that you can feel the birthright that is you pleasure. Light the candle and watch what binds you burn away.

4) Rest, meditate, make love, pleasure, whatever you wish!
Repeat this pleasure ritual as often as you like, clearing the space, making an offering, and invoking this goddess in your space, body, heart.