Sharing a potent, simple practice for the coming new moon. This practice draws earth energy up from the core of the planet, nourishing and empowering your womb/womb-space. It also gathers energy from the water, air, fire, earth, ether all around you,  storing it deep in your center of mystery. This is a practice to restore balance, anchor in your cave of creativity, gather right power, and deeply attune to the wisdom within the temple of your body.

  1. Put your feet on earth, bare if possible. Feet are a bit wider than shoulders. Feet parallel to each other. Bend the knees and drop the tailbone to the earth. Feel the power in your legs resisting gravity, and in so doing, drawing life force up from the earth below.
  2. Place the hands over the womb/womb-space in a downward pointing triangle. Thumbs meet at the belly button, index fingers point down and rest approximately at the womb. Breathe and feel for a moment.
  3. Begin open mouth breath to connect you to your physical sensations. Imagine drawing up nourishing earth energy through the soles of the feet, up the legs, all the way into the womb. You may sway, bounce, or just be still. 
  4. Begin figure 8’s with the hips. Rounding from the back, out to the side, and forward. Use your hands to enhance the movement. Feel that you are scooping up all the healthy, delicious energy from all around you and bringing it into your sexual organs or womb. Breathe deeply. Bend the knees deeply. Go slow and feel.
  5. End with the hands over the womb in the triangle mudra. Feeling that you’ve packed in healing, restoring, balancing, empowering, loving energy into your body. Thank your body for everything it does for you.

I’ll be sharing more in my upcoming New Moon Portal: The Luminous Womb happening on August 18th. This class is open to all genders. We will be accessing the power of the collective womb to attune to deep wisdom and plant seeds.