The sexual/sensual energy is the most powerful energy on the planet. Like some great, numinous river, this current births worlds. Literally, erotic alchemy is the reason we are all here. Someone had sex to birth us. All the flowers, trees, animal kin…all the result of love and miracle making.

Everyone has access to this same force. If you are alive, the sensual rivers flow through you. Every body/soul invites a unique shape. It’s a dance between your conscious human desire, and this wild sexual flow. You shape each other, feed each other, make love to each other. Flow and form. The water, and the river stones, making love to each other, all life long.

We choose how we want to dance. We choose where we want to play in the river, if we want to channel it towards pleasure, healing, manifestation, magnetism. Your sexual waters belong to you, and no one else.

The erotic force also holds some of the deepest individual and collective shadows. Power, control, manipulation, violence, abuse, guilt, shame, grief, rage, and on and on the list goes…

The sexual energy is raw, unrefined potency. Sometimes that current is channeled into power trips, cycles of abuse, inherited perpetrator/victim impulses, and other dynamics that perpetuate pain, addiction, and disconnection.

These cycles can be broken. They can be mended. No one in these dynamics win. Everyone is disconnected from the erotic force as a life-giving, abundant, joyful energy that heals, uplifts, soothes, and enlivens.

Consciously dancing with your sexual energy is far more than better orgasms (although that is a delicious side effect). Diving into our true erotic nature awakens us to the root of our soul. It mends the part of the web that is ours to mend. It re-patterns the inherited trauma and conditioning of generations. It is a reclamation, exaltation, and celebration of that most primal essence. It lifts our human-ness/mess up to the sky to be blessed. It draws down starlight into the most exiled mess of us. It blesses the monster, the underbelly, the ugly and shamed.

When this shadow is integrated, we realize we are free. We’re bigger than the monster, more expansive than the pain, more powerful than that which has caused us suffering or disconnection. We do not rise above. We become the whole, beautiful thing. Which includes a wildly unlimited current of pleasure, joy, bliss, and beauty.

The embodied experience of the erotic current enlivens every area of our lives. It spills out the bedroom doors and into our kitchens, offices, boardrooms, parks, and churches. The many roles and masks we wear throughout our days are woven back together. Each area of life is infused with that primal essence of soul, which draws in more. When the life-giving force is strong, more life is attracted to you. The communities that feel like home, the work that satiates the soul, the love that is medicine, all of it joins your river.

When the erotic river is awakened, and we consciously play, shape, create, worlds open. Beauty pours from our bodies through every thought, word, action. We fully join the dance of life.