The more I learn, practice, and share in this “healing” realm, the more I find myself returning to the basics. Simple practices glean the most profound and sustained transformations. 

Especially in the modern culture of more, more, more. With every ancient practice that’s ever been is searchable on Google. I find myself returning home to the basics of invoking the sacred/loving presence, breath/sound, and movement/touch.

These foundational pieces are what we can build everything else upon. Without them, our growth/healing work is built on swamp land. 

If we hope to embody states of ecstasy, joy, bliss in any sustainable way, we MUST nourish the nervous system through these foundational practices. And we must do so at a steady, slow pace.

We’re all wired against change and the unknown. It’s scary and has meant death for most of our human animal ancestry. Even if the change will make us feel better, good, incredible, we’re still biologically patterned to avoid it. Even if how we’re feeling awful, at least it’s known and comfortable.

This is ok! AND we have choices. The choice to make slow, sweet, steady progress towards what we desire to feel is always possible. It’s not going to happen over night. It shouldn’t. That’s not how our nervous systems change.

Since I was a little one, I’ve known we humans are capable of unspeakable ecstasy. Like true, embodied, soul quaking ecstasy. Our true nature is ecstasy. When we pay attention and rest deeply with our body and soul, ecstasy is what’s dancing within. Sometimes we’re just born knowing a piece of the puzzle. This is one of mine. 

Of course, I’ve spent epochs of my life feeling the opposite of that, learning the many roads back home to this innate, true, deep remembrance of ecstasy. Being human is a unique flavor of ecstasy. Juicy, sensual, emotional, mysterious, and rich. 

These three pillars of loving presence, breath, and sound can awaken us to the real, embodied states of ecstasy within. It doesn’t take some exotic, secret practice to unlock these states. It belongs to you. It’s in your body now. Try it:

1) Place your hands on some part of your body (genitals, belly, breasts/chest). Consciously feel the love from that core of love in the center of your chest, flowing down through your arms, and into your own body. Imagine your hands cocooning this body part in love, acceptance, and sweetness.

2)Begin to send loving breath to this part. You may want to open the mouth and breathe in and out without pauses. Consciously imagine prana/energy filling this place.

3) Notice your physical sensations and emotions in this place of your body. Perhaps there’s tension or pain. Maybe it’s pleasure. Maybe fear arises, or perhaps joy. Just notice without judgement. Breathe into the emotion/sensation and exhale to sound the sensation. The sound shouldn’t be pretty. Let it be raw, real, and from the center of that body part.

Continue this process until you feel complete. With consistency and presence, lots of life is likely to arise. Ecstasy may bubble up from the depths when you least expect it, soaking your awareness with beauty.

I’ll be sharing more about this three step process next week. Keep an eye on your inbox for more on these revolutionary, foundational practices. 

In the meantime, I’ve created a sweet lil cocoon for you, fellow travelers. It combines both: deep reclamation of the innate state of embodied ecstasy; AND steady, slow, consistent practices to ground this new vibration into the nervous system. 

E m b o d i e d   E c s t a s y   is for those of you who get overwhelmed with deep sexuality work, but crave experiences of connection, orgasmic beauty, and love. It’s for those of you who have wanted to take the plunge, but have felt intimidated or felt not ______ enough to even begin the journey. This is for those who just want to return to the basics of sensuality, self-love, and mystical sex.

In Ecstatic Embodiment, you’ll be guided through a process of invoking the sacred/loving presence, breath, sounding, and self-touch. These three foundational tools create a powerfully gentle container for your innate capacity of embodied ecstasy to blossom. Not only blossom, but be a sustained reality of your life.

You’ll have lifetime access to move through the journey at your pace, and return to these resources again and again. There is also a question/comments area in the online portal to ask me any and all questions you wish.

 Embodied Ecstasy is real. It’s possible for you. Let me show you how.