We’re conditioned to believe that the yang experience and expression of pleasure and orgasm is the only way. We’re taught that orgasm is pleasure building in the body, then eventually peaking into climax, a release of sexual energy, and then a relaxing into limpness/emptiness. 

Patriarchy holds this male/masculine/yang orgasmic experience as the gold standard. The measuring stick to decide if we’re living up to our potential. And so we contort ourselves into experiencing this kind of pleasure and orgasm

And there’s nothing wrong with this expression! It can be beautiful, fruitful, and connective. 

But it’s barely half of what’s possible for us.

There is another way: yin pleasure and orgasm. Instead of a build up of pleasure, and then releasing it. We contain the pleasure. We fill and fill to the brim. We contain the sexual energy and channel it through the entire body and energy field. It opens up the experience of full-body orgasm, energy orgasm, and multiple orgasms.

With yin pleasure, we are not depleted by orgasm. We are energized by it. It becomes fuel for our bodies and lives. We don’t use sex as a surface-level pleasure binge, but rather as a deep well from which to drink and restore.

And instead of orgasm lasting seconds, it may last minutes, hours, days… Yesss, you…this is soooo possible for YOU!

I see so many people (especially women) expecting their bodies to perform in conditioned ways during sex. We’re conditioned to extract pleasure, even from our own bodies. I see so much comparison and expectation. I see sex drives wane as a result. I see disembodiment. I see disconnect from the vital life force energy that gives us passion, power, and joy.

When we approach pleasure as an exploration of yin energy, we allow our body’s natural impulses to arise and overflow. We reconnect to dead desire, muted passion.

Opening to yin pleasure, full-body orgasmic states, energy orgasms, fuels body, mind, heart, soul in miraculous ways.

In Yoni Egg Pleasure Priestess, you’ll gain precise and effective tools to build yin pleasure. These practices slowly unravel patriarchal patterns of pleasure-grabbing from the body. We gently, subtly, and powerfully remind the body and nervous system of its innate capacity for pleasure that fills and overflows, again and again.

Practice in your own timing, in a way that honors your cycles and rhythms through the guided on-demand practices. Plus, experience the power of group energy through the live virtual practices. 

Welcome module is now open. It’s full of juicy practice and ritual to get you started now. We dive into the full experience September 2nd.

No experience necessary. This is for anyone from beginner level to moderately experienced practitioners.