Guess what ya’ll? Humans are complex. We contain multitudes and the world is full of nuance.

In 1:1 sessions this week, I’ve been sitting with men who are deeply owning their shadows. Gifts from the shadow realms are immense, but require some serious courage. I’m feeling heavy and heartened at the same time. Some of the lessons…

If we always “other” the evil, no bridge to integration and love is ever built. We continue to dehumanize and divide. 

This isn’t about making excuses for violence, abuse, or anything else. It’s about traveling to the roots of where it began. The original pain. Truth is: hurt people, hurt people.

This is about radical self-responsibility. It’s about tending to the original sin of separation from love itself, in yourself. In this life, in another, in your ancestral lineage, in the collective. Where did we forget that we belong to each other? That we all deserve love, respect, connection, grace? Where have you given and received these lessons?

I see so many men (and women) afraid to see how they contribute to violence, power abuse, manipulation. And it’s natural. We are ashamed. We feel guilty. And even worse, we’re afraid if we’re found out that we’ll be cast out of the village. We’ll be disowned, unlovable, hated. And this aversion drives the wound deeper. The enemy thrives within, festering. We continue to “other” it. It’s that person, group, etc. Not me. And the divide deepens.

But my love, humans are messy beautiful. The medicine is always in the places we most defiantly avoid. The tantric belief holds that we are a microcosm of the macro, the whole wild universe. If it’s out there, it’s in here. The more widely the doors of your heart can swing open to contain it all, the more compassion, light, love you can hold. But like, for real. Not just in your head, not just in theory. You gotta feel it, from the soma of your bones and soul. It’s the only way. It’s where the gifts are. It’s where the original light of spirit, hope, peace emerges again.

From this place, we can be in right relationship with POWER. If there hasn’t been a reckoning with the inner abuser of power, we will consciously or unconsciously hide our power. We don’t want to hurt anyone, which is obviously righteous. However, have you noticed the world is burning? We need peaceful warriors in full power. I’m seeing men (and women) rising in their TRUE sources of power as they integrate the wounded/dark masculine. It is safe (NECESSARY!) to be powerful. (I’m speaking especially you tender hearted gardeners of love, we need your full magic turned up, helping shape heaven on earth.)

I’ve been tending these original wounds with quite a few men in my 1:1 container. And it has been PROFOUND. I am seeing that we are ready. Ready to see. To reckon with. To love. To be loved. To give the gifts that have long been hidden away. To integrate the dark. To rise in light. A bridge is being built, and we’re all needed.

The gifts of the shadow are immense. But we must travel there within a cocoon of love. We must not get lost there. We must remember that we came to weave a new world, together, strand by strand. It’s not easy. But it is possible. And it is time.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious” —Carl Jung