The Secret Life of Dreams

Sometimes we must tip toe around the edge of a dream for a very long time. Sometimes we do this in darkness, when the world has gone to sleep, when our own true voice can be heard fully. The dark is a safe place to dream impossible dreams. And so we wait for the sun...

Things I Have Learned From the Woods and Water

There is a strange thing that happens when wisdom starts opening. We recognize the vitality of silence. And in sharing what we have learned, some small piece of truth that we have gathered from our corner of consciousness, we release it. None of us has all the truth....

Kiss Your Shadow

We have come here to get what we need. That is truth. I’m not hearing any other version of this story. We have come to receive the gifts hurled towards us from the Unknown. They are often masked, and so are we. But this is true. You have come here to deeply,...

Please-Like-Me Dis-ease

I’ve suffered from the “please like me” dis-ease, in varying degrees of severity, for as long as I can remember. I’ve been bending backwards when I want to fold in. I’ve been saying yes when I desperately needed to say no. I’ve been carrying someone else’s weight...

Summer Solstice Prayer

I don’t want to celebrate only the “good” things. Today, the longest day of the year, I would like to celebrate all the times I’ve fallen. I’d like to honor those times (many times) I said the absolute wrong thing. For all the times I mis-stepped and fell....