Wild Womb Medicine

Wild Womb Medicine

The fires in northern New Mexico are close enough that I see the smoke plume bloom over the mountains almost daily. I wake up every day wondering if today is the day we’ll need to evacuate. So many have already lost everything, sleeping on cots in community centers,...


Sexual energy is innately magnetic. As pleasure washes through the body, it opens. With each orgasmic wave, layers of constriction and disconnection dissolve into the ocean of beauty. This leaves the body (physical and subtle) soft, surrendered and receptive to the...
How the Erotic Feeds Our Lives

How the Erotic Feeds Our Lives

The sexual/sensual energy is the most powerful energy on the planet. Like some great, numinous river, this current births worlds. Literally, erotic alchemy is the reason we are all here. Someone had sex to birth us. All the flowers, trees, animal kin…all the result of...

Qi Gong for Winter

The winter is a time to nourish the kidneys and bones. The kidneys keep us nourished, vital, and at peace. The bones can store energy and activate ancestral wisdom. This short practice nourishes the kidneys and and draws light deep into the bones. For more energetic...